科號Course Number:09120ANTH653500 學分Credit:3 人數限制Size of Limit:
中文名稱Course Title:中國少數民族
英文名稱Course English Title:National Minority Peoples of Mainland China

一、課程說明(Course Description)

2003 中國少數民族
1 導言
2 國家與族群(一)中國民族形成的淵源與歷史
3 國家與族群(二)中國民族形成歷史之一、二
4 國家與族群(三)現代中國少數民族之識別與現狀
5 國家與族群(四)現代中國少數民族之歷史書寫
6 國家與族群(五)現代中國少數民族之文化論述
7 國家與族群(六)文化接觸與脈絡化的族群
8 人觀研究
9 物的研究
10 性別、身體與人觀
11 空間研究
12 社會結群研究
13 時間、階序與記憶機制
14 物的價值與區域經濟
15 全球化:自我、商品與消費





Session 1 2/21 導言

Harrell, Stevan
2001 Ways of Being Ethnic in Southwest China. Ch.1, 2, 3. University of Washington Press.
#Ramsey, Robert
1987 The Languages of China. Pp. 173-229.
#Moseley, Christopher and R.E Asher
1994 Atlas of the World’s Language. New York: Routledge.
#Pluvier, Jan M.
1995 Historical Atlas of South-east Asia. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
#Hockings, Paul ed.
1993 Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Vol. V: East and Southeast Asia. Boston, Mass: G. K. Hall & Co.
#Lebar, F. M. et al. eds.
1964 Ethnic Groups of Mainland Southeast Asia. New Haven: HRAf.
#Anderson, Edward F.
2000 Plants and People of the Goldern Triangle: Ethnobotany of the Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand. Portland, Oregon: Dioscorides Press.
#李德洙 主編
1994 中國少數民族文化史(上)、(下)。遼寧:人民出版社。
1986 中國大百科全書:民族。北京:中國大百科全書出版社。
1988 中國大百科全書:宗教。北京:中國大百科全書出版社。

Session 2 3/7 國家與族群(一):中國民族形成的淵源及歷史

1989 中華民族多元一體格局。北京:中央民族學院出版社。1-36 頁。
Duara, Prasenjit
1993 Deconstructing the Chinese Nation. Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 30: 1-28.
in press
1997 我以我血薦軒轅-皇帝神話與晚清的國族建構。台灣社會研究季刊28: 1-77。
1999 從少數民族研究的幾個個案談「己」與「異己」的關係。刊於人類學在台灣的發展:回顧與展望篇。徐正光、黃應貴主編,頁357-404。南港,台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
#Fiskesjo, Magnus
1999 On the ‘Raw’ and the ‘Cooked’ Barbarians of Imperial China. Inner Asia 1:139-168.
#Dikotter, Frank
2003 Global Science, National Politics and Assimilationist Discourse in Modern China. 《國家、市場與脈絡化的族群》蔣斌、何翠萍編。台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。

Session 3 3/14 國家與族群(二):中國民族形成歷史之一、二

Harrell, Stevan
1995 Inroduction: Civilizing Projects and the Reaction to Them. Cultural Encounters on China's Ethnic Frontiers. Stevan Harrell, ed. Pp. 3-36. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Schein, Louisa
Introduction. Minority Rules: The Miao and The Feminine in China’s Cultural Politics. Pp. 1-34. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
Herman, John Edward
1997 Empire in the Southwest: Early Qing Reforms to the Native Chieftain System. The Journal of Asian Studies 56(1): 47-74.
1984 明清時期中國西南的經濟發展和人口增長。清史論叢5: 50-102。
Rowe, William
1994 Education and Empire in Southwest China: Ch’en Huang-mou in Yunnan, 1733-38.
Sutton, Donald
in press Ethnicity and the Miao Frontier in the Eighteenth Century. In Donald Sutton, Pamela K. Crossley and Helen F. Siu eds. Empire at the Margins: Culture, Ethnicity and Frontier in Early Modern China. Berkeley, Ca: University of California Press。
1994 土司制度的變化。刊於馬汝珩、馬大正主編《清代的邊疆政策》。頁382-406。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
1990 清代邊疆開發研究概述。刊於馬汝珩、馬大正主編《清代邊疆開發研究》。頁423-455。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
1994 清季的”移民實邊。”刊於馬汝珩、馬大正主編《清代的邊疆政策》。頁102-132。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
1997 中國西南邊疆開發史。雲南人民出版社。
1999 儒學與雲南政治經濟的發展及文化轉型。昆明,雲南:雲南大學出版社。
1990 清代雲南的礦業開發。刊於馬汝珩、馬大正主編《清代邊疆開發研究》。頁333-363。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
1990 清代雲南的交通開發。刊於馬汝珩、馬大正主編《清代邊疆開發研究》。頁364-393。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
1990 中國古代邊疆政策研究。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
1990 清代邊疆開發研究。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
1994 清代的邊疆政策。北京:中國社會科學出版社。

Session 4 3/21 國家與族群(三):現代中國少數民族之識別與現狀

1981 關於我國民族的識別問題。費孝通編,民族與社會,頁1-30。北京:人民出版社。
Harrell, Stevan
1996 Introduction. Negotiating Ethnicities in China and Taiwan. Melissa J. Brown ed., pp. 1-18. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Schein, Louisa
Making Minzu. Minority Rules: The Miao and The Feminine in China’s Cultural Politics. Chapter 3:pp. 68-99. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
Tapp, Nicholas
2002 In Defense of the Archaic: A Reconsideration of the 1950s Ethnic Classification Project in China. Asian Ethnicity3(1):64-84.
Harrell, Stevan
2002 Primordial Ethnicity: the Nuosu. In Ways of Being Ethnic in South China. Ch. 5 and 9. University of Washington Press.
1994 中國的民族識別。北京:民族出版社。

Session 5 3/28 國家與族群(四):現代中國少數民族之歷史書寫

Litzinger, Ralph
2000 Other Chinas: The Yao and the Politics of National Belonging. Chapter 1. Duke University Press.
1995 Contending Conceptions of the Yao Past. Studies on Ethnic Groups in China. Stevan Harrell, ed. Pp. 117-139. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
2003 漢與非漢之間:北川羌族的歷史人類學研究。《國家、市場與脈絡化的族群》蔣斌、何翠萍編。台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
Harrell, Stevan
2001 Historical Contigent Ethnicity: the Prmi and Nazi. In Ways of Being Ethnic in South China. Chapter 10, 11, 12. University of Washington Press.
Sutton, Donald
2000 Myth Making on an Ethnic Frontier: the Cult of the Heavenly Kings of West Hunan, 1715-1996. Modern China 26(4):448-500.
Ebrey, Patricia
1993 Surnames and Han Chinese Identity. Negotiating Ethnicities in China and Taiwan. Melissa J. Brown ed. Pp. 11-36. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Session 6 4/11 國家與族群(五):現代中國少數民族之文化論述

Litzinger, Ralph
2000 Other Chinas: The Yao and the Politics of National Belonging. Chapter 4 and 5. Duke University Press.
Blum, Susan
2001 Portraits of “Primitives”: Ordering Human Kinds in the Chinese Nation. Chapter 3 and 4. London: Rowman &Littlefield Publishers.
Diamond, Norma
1988 The Miao and Poison: Interactions on China Southwest Frontier. Ethnology 27 (1): 1-25.
1998 羌族婦女服飾:一個「民族化」過程的例子。中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊,第六十九本,第四分,頁841-885。
Mueggler, Eric
1998b A Carceral Regime: Violence and Social Memory in Southwest China. Cultural Anthropology 13(2): 167-192
#Tapp, Nicholas
2001 The Hmong of China: Context, Agency, and the Imaginary. Leiden: Brill.

Session 7 4/18 文化接觸與脈絡化的族群

1997 漢化、土著化或社會演化:從婚姻、居住制與婦女看漢族與少數民族之關係。刊於《從周邊看漢人的社會與文化:王崧興先生紀念論文集》。黃應貴、葉春榮編。南港,台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
Harrell, Stevan
2001 Default Ethnicity: the Han. In Ways of Being Ethnic in South China. Chapter 14. University of Washington Press.
2001 Conclusion: Comparing Ways of Being Ethnic. In Ways of Being Ethnic in South China. Chapter 15. University of Washington Press.
Linnekin, Jocelyn and Lin Poyer
1990 Introduction. Cultural Identity and Ethnicity in the Pacific. J. Linnekin and L. Poyer eds., pp. 1-16. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Astuti, Rita
1995 “The Vezo are not a kind of people”: Identity, Difference, and “Ethnicity” among a Fishing People of Western Madagascar. American Ethnologist 22(3): 464-482.
Tapp, Nicholas
2000 Ritual Relations and Identity: Hmong and Others. Civility and Savgery: Social Identity in Tai States. Andrew Turton ed.Pp: 84-103. Curzon Press.
2003 導言。 《國家、市場與脈絡化的族群》蔣斌、何翠萍編。台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
Culas, Christian
2000 Migrants, Runaways and Opium Growers: Origins of the Hmong in Laos and Siam in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. In Turbuelent Times and Enduring Peoples: Mountain Minorities in the South-East Asian Massif.
Turton, Andrew
2000 Introduction to Civility and Savagery. Civility and Savgery: Social Identity in Tai States. Andrew Turton ed.Pp: 3-31. Curzon Press.
#Watson, James
1990 Other People Do Other Things: Lamarckian Identities in Kainantu Subdistrict, Papua New Guinea. In Cultural Identity and Ethnicity in the Pacific. J. Linnekin and L. Poyer eds., pp. 17-41. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
#Lemoine, Jacques
1994 功能與反抗:論中國與其周邊地區婦女地位。刊於《華南婚姻制度與婦女地位》,馬建釗、喬健、杜瑞樂編,頁222-42。南寧:廣西民族出版社。
#Thoraval, Joel
1994 海南儋州人的”夜游“風俗。刊於《華南婚姻制度與婦女地位》第1 -9頁。南寧:廣西民族出版社。
1992 中國人的姓名。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
#White, Sydney
2002 The Politics of Cultural Identities and Therapeutic Practices in Yunnan’s Lijiang Basin: Tracing out Naxi and State Narrtives of Modernity in Socialist China. 《國家、市場與脈絡化的族群》蔣斌、何翠萍編。台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
#Tapp, Nicholas
1989 Sovereignty and Rebellion: the White Hmong of Northern Thailand. Singapore: Oxford University Press.


Session 8 4/25 人觀研究(食物、養育與人的構成)

Wagner, Roy
1977 Analogic Kinship: a Daribi Example. American Ethnologist 4:623-42.
Foster, Robert J.
1990 Nurture and Force-feeding: Morturary Feasting and the Constructioni of Collective Individuals in a New Ireland Society. American Ethnologist 17: 431-48.
Cartsen, Janet
1995 The Substance of Kinship and the Heat of the Hearth: feeding, personhood and relatedness among Malays in Paplau Langkawi. American Ethnologist 22(2): 223-241.
Robbins, Joel
1994 Equality as a Value; Ideology in Dumont, Melanesia and the West. Social Analysis 36: 21-69.
Karp, Ivan
1990 Power and Capacity in Iteso Rituals of Possession. Personhood and Agency: the experience of self and other in African cultures. M. Jackson and Ivan Karp eds. pp.79-93.

Session 9 5/2 物的研究(:交換、儀式與人的構成)

Valeri, Valerio
1990 Buying Women but not Selling them: gift and commodity exchange in Huaulu Alliance. Man 29 :1-26.
Strathern, Marilyn
1987 Producing Difference: Connections and Disconnectios in Two New Guinea Highland Kinship Systems. In Gender and Kinship: Essays toward a Unified Analysis. Jane Fishburne Collier and Sylvia Junko Yanagisako eds. Pp. 271-300. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Battaglia, Debbora
1992 Body in the Gift: Memory and Forgetting in Sabarl Mortuary Exchange. American Ethnologist.
forthcoming 從人體圖像談景頗人與物的關係。
Keane, Web
1990 The Value of Words and the Meaning of Things in Eastern Indonesian Exchange. Man 29: 605-629.

Session 10 5/9 性別、身體與人觀

#Hoskins, Janet
1998 Biographical Objects: How Things Tell the Stories of People’s Lives. New York: Routledge.
Errington, Shelly
1990 Recasting Sex, gender, and Power: a Theoretical and Regional Overview. Power and Difference: Gender in Island Southeast Asia. Jane Atkinson and Shelly Errington eds. Pp. 1-58. Stanford University Press.
1988 Incestuous twins and the House Societies of Insular Southeast Asia. Cultural Anthropology 2(4): 403-44.
Du, Shanshan
2002 Chopticks only Work in Pairs: Gender Unity & Gender Equality among the Lahu of Southwest China. Pp. 1-13, 185-196. New York: Columbia University Press.
Mueggler, Erik
1998c The Poetics of Grief and the Price of Hemp in Southwest China. The Journal of Asian Studies 57 (4): 979-1008.

Session 11 5/16 空間研究

Bourdieu, P
1990 (1970) The Kabyle House or the World Reversed. In The Logic of Practice. Cambridge: Polity Press.
2000a 人與家屋:從中國西南幾個族群的例子談起。發表於「儀式、親屬與社群」小型學術研討會。亞洲季風區高地與低地社會與文化主題計劃期中研討會,中央研究院民族學研究所及國立清華大學人類學研究所主辦,2000年7月3日至4日。台灣新竹。
Jonsson, Hjorleifur
2001 Does the House Hold? History and the Shape of Mien (Yao) Society. Ethnohistory 48(4):613-654.
Mueggler, Eric
2001 The Age of the Wild Ghosts: Memory, Violence, and Place in Southwest China. Chapter 2, 3, 9. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Session 12 5/23 社會結群研究

Carsten, Janet & Stephen Hugh-Jones
1995 Introduction. About the House: Levi-Strauss and Beyond. Janet Cartsen & Stephen Hugh-Jones eds. Pp. 1-46.
Gillespie, Susan
*2000a Levi-Strauss, Maison and Societe a Maisons. In Beyond Kinship: Social and Material Reproduction in House Societies. R. Joyce & S. Gillespie eds., pp.22-52. Philadelphia, Penn: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Kuchler, Susanne
1985 Malangan: Objects, Sacrifice and the Production of Memory. American Ethnologist 15/4: 625-37.
Proschan, Frank
2001 People of the Gourd: Imagined Ethnicities in Highland Southeast Asia. The Journal of Asian Studies 60(4): 999-1032.
forthcoming 中國景頗「群」的圖像。

Session 13 5/30 時間、階序與記憶機制(儀式、寶物與階序)

Kuchler, Susanne
1999 The Place of Memory. In The Art of Forgetting. A. Forty and S. Kuchler eds., pp. 53-72. Oxford: Berg.
Hoskins, Janet
1993 Violence, Sacrifice, and Divination: Giving and Taking Life in Eastern Indonesia. American Ethnologist 20(1): 159-78.
Mckinnon, Susan
2000 The Tanimbarese Tavu: the Ideology of Growth and the Material Configurations of Houses and Hierarchy in an Indonesian Society. In Beyond Kinship: Social and Material Reproduction in House Societies. R. Joyce and S. Gillespie eds., pp. 161-176. Philadelphia, Penn: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Keane, Webb
1995 The Spoken House: Text, Act and Object in Eastern Indonesia. American Ethnologist 22(1): 102-124.
Gravers, Mikael
2001? Cosmology, Prophets, and Rebellion among the Buddhist Karen in Burma and Thailand. Monsoon4:3-30.
#Hill, Ann Maxwell
2001 Captives, Kin and Slaves in Xiao Liangshan. The Journal of asian Studies 60(4): 1033-1050.

Session 14 6/6 物的價值與區域政治經濟

Parry, Jonathan and Maurice Bloch
1989 Introduction: Money and the Morality of Exchange. Money and the Morality of Exchange. J. Parry and M. Bloch eds. Cambridge University Press.
Robbins, Joel and David Akin
1999 An Introduction to Melanesian Currencies: Agency, Identity, and Social Reproduction. In Money and Modernity: State and Local Currencies in Melanesia. David Akin and Joel Robbins eds. Pp. 1-40. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Mosko, Mark S.
1999 Magical Money: Commoditization and the Linkage of Maketsi (“Market”) and Kangakanga (“Custom”) in Contemporary North Mekeo. In Money and Modernity: State and Local Currencies in Melanesia. David Akin and Joel Robbins eds. Pp. 41-61. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Robbins, Joel
1999 This is our money: Modernism, Regionalism, and Dual Currencies in Urapmin. In Money and Modernity: State and Local Currencies in Melanesia. David Akin and Joel Robbins eds. Pp. 82-102. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Cohn, Bernard
1996 Cloth, Clothes, and Colonialism: India in the Nineteenth Century. In Colonialism and its Forms of Knowledge. pp. 106-62.

Session 15 6/13 全球化:自我、商品與消費

Sahlins, Marshall
1987 Cosmologies of Capitalism: the Trans-Pacific Sector of ’The World System.’ Proceedings of the British Academy, LXXIV: 1-51.
Kuchler, Susan
1997 Sacrificial Economy and its Objects: Rethinking Colonial Collecting in Oceania. In Journal of Material Culture 2(1): 39-60.
Chao, Emily
1999 The Maoist Shaman and the Madman: Ritual Bricologe, Failed Ritual, and
Failed Ritual Theory. Cultural Anthropology14(4): 503-34.
Schein, Louisa
2000 Songs for Sale: Spectacle from Mao to Market. Minority Rules: The Miao and The Feminine in China’s Cultural Politics. Chapter 6: pp. 169-203. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
Schein, Louisa
2000 Displacing Subalternity: the Mobile Other. Minority Rules: The Miao and The Feminine in China’s Cultural Politics. Chapter 8:pp. 254-80. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
Schein, Louisa
2000 Perfomances of Minzu Modernity. Minority Rules: The Miao and The Feminine in China’s Cultural Politics. Chapter 9:pp. 254-79. Durham & London: Duke University Press.

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