Political Development and Democratization in Southeast Asia
Dr. Joyce Juo-yu Lin
2008 Course on Wednesday, 10Am- 12pm, T 511
Office Hour: T1113, Wednesday 8-10 am (or by appointment )
E-mail : linjuoyu@mail.tku.edu.tw







I. 政治發展與民主化之關連
第一週 2/21 課程介紹
第二週 2/28 導論:全球化過程的東亞政經發展
第三週 3/6 東亞政治發展的理論

II. 經濟發展與民主化之關係
第四週 3/13 政治發展與民主化之關連
第五週 3/20 經濟發展與民主化之關連
第六週 3/27 民主化的過程---威權、轉型與民主鞏固
第七週 4/3 威權、民主體制的類型

III. 威權體制轉型與民主鞏固
第八週 4/10 民主的國內影響---成長與福利?
第九週 4/17 期中考週(提交期中作業)
第十週 4/24 民主的國際影響---和平與合作?

IV. 多元文化與民主
第十一週 5/1 新加坡
第十二週 5/8 馬來西亞
第十三週 5/15 印尼
第十四週 5/22 學期小結:多元文化與民主

V. 結論
第十五週 5/29 新世紀台灣與亞太國家的民主化比較
第十六週 6/5 民主與民主化的未來—Students’ Presentations
第十七週 6/12 期末考週(提交期末報告)


1. Georg SØrensen, 1998, Democracy and Democratization: Processes and Prospects in a changing world, Taipei: Weber Publication .

2林若雩譯,2001,Michael R.J. Vatikiotis原著,1999.09《東南亞的政治與發展》(Political Change in Southeast Asia--Trimming the banyan tree)。台北:韋伯文化出版社。


I. 政治發展與民主化之關連
1.Cantori, Louis J., and Andrew H. Ziegler, Jr., 1988,eds. Comparative Politics in the Post-Behavioral Era. Boulder, Cole.: Lynne Rienner.
2.Georg SØrensen, 1995, Democracy and Democratization: Processes and Prospects in a changing world.
3.Nathan, Andrew J.黎安友著、柯洛漪譯, 2000, China's Transition蛻變中的中國--政經變遷與民主化契機,台北:麥田出版社。
4.Samuel P.Hungtington著,黃裕美譯, 1995, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order文明衝突與世界秩序的重建。
5.Huntington, Samuel. P., 1994, The Third Wave Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century, Norman: Oklahoma University Press.
6.Huntington, Samuel P, 1985, Political Order in Changing Society, New Haven: Tale University Press, Jesndason, James, 1994, Statist Democracy and the Limits of Civil Society in Malaysia, Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore.
7.Jones, David M., 1994, Asia’s Rising Middle Class. Not a Force of Change, The National Interest.

II. 經濟發展與民主化之關係
1.Deyo, Frederic C., 1987,"The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism." Ithca & London: Cornell University Press.
2.Barry, Brian, 1970, Sociologists, Economists and Democracy. London: Collier
3.Cardoso, Femando Henrique, and Enzo Faletto. Dependency and Development in

III. 威權體制轉型與民主鞏固
1.Almond, Gabriel and Sidney Verba , 1972, The Civil Culture--Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
2.Almond, Gabriel and Sidney Verba, 1963, The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations.
3.Alagappa, M. (ed.), 1995, Political Legitimacy in Southeast Asia: the Quest for Moral Authority, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
4.Esman, Milton J, 1972, Administration and Development in Malaysia: Institution Building and Reform in a Plural Society, Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
5.Howard J. Wiarda, Political Culture and National Development, 1989, The Fletcher Forum: A Journal of Studies in International Affairs Vol.13.
6.Ho Khai Leong, 1988, Indigenizing the State: The New Economic Policy and the Bumiputera State in Peninsula Malaysia. Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio: The Ohio State University.
7.Linz J. Juan and Stepan Alfred, eds, 1978, The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

IV. 多元文化與民主--西方工業國
1.Dahl, Robert A, 1989, Democracy and It's Crisis. New Haven & London: Yale University Press.
2.Malloy, 1985, The Politics of Transition, in Authoritarians and Democrats. Malloy James M, 1987, The Politics of Transition in Latin America, in James M. Malloy and Mitchell A, Seligson, eds., Authoritarians of Democrats: Regime Transition in Latin America.
3.Means, G, 1991, Malaysian Politics: the Second Generation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4.O'Donnell, Guillermo, 1973, Modernization and Bureaucratic-Authoritariaanism: Studies in South American Politics, Berkeley: Institute of international Studies, University of California.
5.O'Donnell, Guillermo, 1978, Reflection on the Patterns of Change in the Bureaucratic-Authoritarian State, Latin American Research Review.
6.Wildavsky Aaron, 1987, Choosing Preferences by Constructing Institution: A Cultural Theory of Preference Formation, American Political Science Review 81, Vol. 1.

V. 新馬、印尼民主政治之發展
4.林若雩譯,2001,Michael R.J. Vatikiotis原著,1999.09《東南亞的政治與發展》(Political Change in Southeast Asia--Trimming the banyan tree)。台北:韋伯文化出版社。
5.Gomez, Edmund T., 1994, Political Business: Corporate Involvement of Malaysian Political Parties. Townsville, Australia: James Cook University of North Queensland.
6.Ho Khai Leong, 1988, Indigenizing the State: The New economic Policy and the Bumiputera State in Peninsular Malaysia. Ph.D. dissertation, The Ohio State University.
7.Pye, Lucian W., and Mary W. Pye, 1985, (I), Asian Power and Politics: the Cultural Dimensions of Authority. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
8.Pye, Lucian W., and Mary W. Pye, 1990, (II), Asian Power and Politics: the Cultural Dimensions of Authority. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
9.Skocpol, Theda, 1979, State and Social Revolutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


1.課堂表現及日常參與30﹪ 2.期中報告30﹪ 3.期末報告40﹪

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