族群、文化、認同 (Ethnicity, Culture, Identity)

1. Persons in Culture and Cultural Studies
*Rose, N., 1996, “Identity, Genealogy, History”, in Questions of Cultural Identity, S. Hall and P. du Gay eds., Sage, pp. 128-50.

*Grossberg, L., 1996, “Identity and Cultural Studies: Is That All There Is?” in Questions of Cultural Identity, S. Hall and P. du Gay eds., Sage, pp. 87-107.

+Sarup, M., 1996, Identity, Culture and the Postmodern World, U of Georgia Press, pp. 1-13.

+Alcoff, L., 1988, “Cultural Feminism versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory”, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 13(3): 405-36

Handler, Richard, 1994, Is “Identity” a Useful Cross-Cultural Concept?, in Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity, ed. J. Gillis, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Butler, J., 1990, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, University of California Press, pp. 1-34.

2. 從種族到族群
*Burrow, J.W., 1966, Evolution and Society: A Study in Victorian Social Theory, London: Cambridge University Press.

*Sollors, Werner, 1989, Introduction, in The Invention of Ethnicity, ed. W. Sollors, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

+Stocking, George W, 1968, Race, Culture and Evolution: Essays in the History of Anthropology, New York: Free Press.

+Mauss, Marcel, 1985, “A Category of the Human Mind: The Notion of Person; The Notion of Self [1938]”, in The Category of the Person, eds. M. Carrithers et al, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hirschfield, Lawrence A., 1996, Race in the Making: Cognition, Culture and the Child’s Construction of Human Kinds, Cambridge: MIT Press.

Marriott, McKim and Ronald B. Inden, 1977, Toward an Ethnosociology of South Asian Caste Systems, in The New Wind: Changing Identities in South Asia, ed. K. David, The Hague: Mouton.

3. 族群關係中的族群現象及概念
*Barth, Frederik, 1969, Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference, Boston: Little, Brown.

*Brubaker, Rogers, 2004, Ethnicity without Groups, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

+Heusch, Luc de, 2000, L’Ethnie: The Vicissitudes of a Concept, Social Anthropology 8(2): 99-115.

+Geertz, 1963, The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the New States, in Old Societies and New States, ed. C. Geertz, Chicago: Aldine.

4. 認同與認同危機
*Gleason, Philip, 1983, Identifying Identity: A Semantic History, The Journal of American History 69(4): 910-31.

*Bendle, Mervyn F., 2002, The Crisis of “Identity” in High Modernity, British Journal of Sociology 53(1): 1-18.

+Erikson, Erik, 1950, Childhood and Society, New York: W.W. Norton.

+Giddens, A., 1994, Modernity and Self-Identity, Polity Press, pp. 70-98.

Baumeister, Richard, 1986, Identity: Cultural Change and the Struggle for Self, New York: Oxford University Press.

Friedman, Lawrence J., 2000, Identity’s Architect: A Biography of Erik H. Erikson, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

5. 國族主義與文化認同
*Gellner, E., 1983, Nations and Nationalism, Cambridge University Press.

*Fox, R.G. ed. 1990, Nationalist Ideologies and the Production of National Cultures, pp. 1-9.

+Herzfeld, M., 1986, “Of Definitions and Boundaries: The Status of Culture in the Culture of the State,” in Discourse and the Social Life of Meaning, P.P. Chock and J.R. Wyman eds..

+Torpey, J., 2000, The Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and the State, Cambridge University Press, pp. 4-20.

James, P., 1997, “National Formation and the 'Rise of the Cultural': A Critique of Liberal Sociology”, in his Nation Formation, pp. 123-50.

Peters, Bernhard, 2002, A New Look at ‘National Identity’: How should we think about ‘collective’ or national identities’? Are there two types of national identities? Does Germany have an ethnic identity, and is it different?, Archives Européenes de Sociologie 43(1): 3-32.

6. 國家形成和殖民主義狀況下的族群鬥爭
*Fenton, Steve, 2004, Beyond Ethnicity: The Global Comparative Analysis of Ethnic Conflict, International Journal of Comparative Sociology 45(3-4): 179-94.

*Kapferer, Bruce, 2001, Ethnic Nationalism and the Discourses of Violence in Sri Lanka, Communal/Plural: Journal of Transnational Crosscultural Studies 9(1): 33-68.

+Banton, Michael, 2000, Ethnic Conflict, Sociology 34: 481-98.

+Ruane, Joseph and Jennifer Todd, 2005, The Roots of Intense Ethnic Conflict may not in fact be Ethnic: Categories, Communities and Path Dependence, Archives Européenes de Sociologie 45(2): 209-32.

Cohn, Bernard S., 1984, The Census, Social Structure and Objectification in South Asia, Folk 26: 25-49.

James, Paul, 2001, Relating Global Tensions: Modern Tribalism and Postmodern Nationalism, Communal/Plural: Journal of Transnational Crosscultural Studies 9(1): 11-32.

7. Hybridity and Diaspora
*Bhabha, H.K., 1996, “Culture’s In-Between”, in Questions of Identity, S. Hall and P. du Gay eds., pp. 53-60.

*Appadurai, A., 1990, “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy.” Public Culture 2(2): 1-24.

+Hall, S., 1990, “Cultural Identity and Diaspora”, in Identity, Community, Culture, Difference, J. Rutherford ed., London: Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 222-37.

+Bauman, Z., “Identity in the Globalizing World”, in Identity, Culture, and Globalization, E. Ben-Rafael and Y. Sternberg eds., Brill, pp. 471-82.

Friedman, J., 1994, Cultural Identity and Global Process, Sage.

McMaster, G.R., 1995, “Border Zones: The 'Injun-uity' of Aesthetic Tricks”. Cultural Studies 9(1).

8. 後直民族主義的主體性
*Mishra, V. and B. Hodges, 1991, “What is Post(-)colonialism?” Textual Practice 5(3): 399-414 (reprinted in Colonial Discourse and Post-colonial Theory, pp. 276-90).

*Dirlik, A., 1994, “The Postcolonial Aura: Third World Criticism in the Age of Global Capitalism,” Critical Inquiry 20: 328-56.

+Ahmad, A., 1994 (1992), “Orientalism and After”, in Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory, P. Williams and L. Chrisman eds., Columbia University Press, pp. 162-71.

+Spivak, G., 1993, “The Burden of English”, Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament: Perspectives on South Asia, C.A. Breckinridge and P. van der Meer eds., University of Pennsylvania Press.

Young, R.J.C., 1995, Colonial Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture and Race, Routledge.

Guha, R., 1988, “The Prose of Counter-Insurgency”, in Selected Subaltern Studies, R. Guha and G. Spivak eds., Delhi: Oxford University Press.

9. 「我們」是誰?
*Chun, A., 1996, “Discourses of Identity in the Changing Spaces of Public Culture in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore.” Theory Culture & Society 13(1): 51-75.

*Chun, A., 1995, “An Oriental Orientalism: The Paradox of Tradition and Modernity in Nationalist Taiwan.” History and Anthropology 9(1): 27-56.

+Ong, A., 1997, “Chinese Modernities: Narratives of Nation and Capitalism,” in Ungrounded Empires: The Cultural Politics of Modern Chinese Transnationalism, A. Ong and D.M. Nonini eds., Routledge, pp. 171-99.

+Ang, I., 1994, “On Not Speaking Chinese: Postmodern Ethnicity and the Politics of Diaspora,” New Formations 24: 1-18.

Dittmer, L. and S.S. Kim eds., 1993, China's Quest for National Identity, Cornell University Press.

Chun, A., 2002, “The Coming Crisis of Multiculturalism in ‘Transnational’ Taiwan.” Social Analysis: The International Journal of Cultural and Social Practice 46(2): 102-22.

10. The Pragmatics and Geopolitics of Identity: 綜合討論

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