
Seminar on Edward W. Said

Prof. Shan Te-hsing

Fall 2002

National Chiao Tung University


1) SeptFeb. 1321
General IntroductionGeneral Introduction: “Asian American Literary and Cultural Studies”

Chinese American Literary and Cultural Expressions

2) Sept. 20Feb. 28
“Criticism and the Art of Politics” (PPC 118-63) Island Poetry

Felicia Lowe, Carved in Silence (documentary)

3) Sept. 27Mar. 7
“Reflections on Exile” (ROE 173-86)

“An Exile’s Exile” (PPC 313-22)

“Introduction: Criticism and Exile” (ROE xi-xxxv)Joan Saffa, Maxine Hong Kingston: Talking Story (documentary)

Maxine Hong Kingston, China Men

4) Oct. 4 Mar. 14
“The Palestinian Experience” (POD 3-23)

After the Last SkyChina Men (continued)

5) Oct. 11Mar. 21
After the Last Sky (Continued)

“Bursts of Meaning: On John Berger and Jean Mohr” (ROE 148-52)Frank Chin, Donald Duk

6) Oct. 18Mar. 28
Selections from OrientalismAmy Tan, The Joy Luck Club

Wayne Wang, The Joy Luck Club (film)

7) Oct. 25Apr. 4
“Orientalism Reconsidered” (ROE 198-215)

“Orientalism and After” (PPC 208-32)Spring Vacation

8) Nov. 1Apr. 11
“History, Literature, and Geography” (ROE 453-73)

“From Silence to Sound and Back Again: Music, Literature, and History” (ROE

507-26)Ang Lee, The Wedding Banquet (film)

9) Nov. 8Apr. 18
“Between Worlds” (ROE 554-68)

“Edward Said: Between Two Cultures” (PPC 233-47)Wayne Wang, Chan Is Missing (film)

10) Nov. 15Apr. 25
“Michel Foucault, 1927-1984” (ROE 187-97)

“Foucault and the Imagination of Power” (ROE 239-45)

“The Clash of Definitions” (ROE 569-90)

“The Uses of Culture” (EPP 139-43)David Henry Hwang, M. Butterfly

David Cronenberg, M. Butterfly (film)

11) Nov. 22May 2
“Traveling Theory” (WTC 226-47)

“Traveling Theory Reconsidered” (ROE 436-52)Russell Leong, Phoenix Eyes and Other Stories

12) Nov. 29May 9
“Can an Arab and a Jewish State Coexist?” (PPC 287-90)

“Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Victims” (QOP 56-114)Christine Choy, Who Killed Vincent Chin? (documentary)

13) Dec. 6May 16
Selections from Peace and Its Discontents

“Introduction” (PID xxiii-xxxv)

“Further Reflections on the Hebron Massacre” (PID 54-61)

“Decolonizing the Mind” (PID 92-99)

“The Middle East ‘Peace Process’: Misleading Images and

Brutal Actualities” (PID 147-64)Maya Lin, “Between Art and Architecture”

Maya Lin: A Strong and Clear Vision (documentary)

14) Dec. 13May 23
“Secular Criticism” (WTC 1-30)

“Culture and Imperialism” (PPC 183-207) Filipino American Literature

Carlos Bulosan, American Is in the Heart

15) Dec. 20May 30
Selections from Culture and ImperialismJapanese American Literature

John Okada, No-No Boy

16) Dec. 27Jun. 6
Selections from Representations of the IntellectualKorean American Literature

Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictee

17) Jan. 3Jun. 13
Selections from The End of the Peace Process: Oslo and After

“Introduction” (EPP xi-xxi)

“The Campaign against ‘Islamic Terror’” (EPP 44-50)

“Modernity, Information, and Governance” (EPP 51-56)

“Intellectuals and the Crisis” (EPP 119-24)

“Bombs and Bulldozers” (EPP 188-92)

“Strategies of Hope” (EPP 193-99)

“Palestine And Israel: A Fifty-Year Perspective” (EPP 223-28)

“The Challenge of Israel: Fifty Years On” (EPP 229-33)

“Gulliver In the Middle East” (EPP 239-43)

“Art, Culture, and Nationalism” (EPP 260-65)

“Truth and Reconciliation” (EPP 312-21)Summing-up

18) Jan. 10

Course Requirements
This course focuses on some representative works by Edward W. Said. Students are required to hand in one critique each week, participate in class discussions, give several oral presentations, and write one term paper.

Works by Edward W. Said

Said, Edward W. 1966. Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography.

Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP.

-----. 1975. Beginnings: Intention and Method. NY: Basic Books, 1975;

Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1978; NY: Columbia UP, 1985; London:

Granta Books, 1997.

-----. 1978. Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient. NY: Pantheon Books,

1978; NY: Vintage Books, 1979; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979; NY:

Vintage Books, 1994.

-----. 1979. The Question of Palestine. NY: New York Times Books, 1979;

London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980; NY: Vintage Books, 1992.

-----. 1979. The Palestine Question and the American Context. Beirut: Institute for

Palestine Studies.

-----. 1981. Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We

See the Rest of the World. NY: Pantheon Books, 1981; London: Routledge &

Kegan Paul, 1981; NY: Vintage Books, 1997.

-----. 1983. The World, the Text, and the Critic. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP.

-----. 1986. After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives. Text by Edward W. Said.

Photographs by Jean Mohr. NY: Pantheon Books, 1986; NY: Columbia UP,


-----. 1991. Musical Elaborations. NY: Columbia UP.

-----. 1991. Identity, Authority and Freedom: The Potentate and the Traveller.

Cape Town: U of Cape Town.

-----. 1993. Culture and Imperialism. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993; NY: Vintage

Books, 1994.

-----. 1994. The Pen and the Sword: Conversations with David Barsamian.

Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press.

-----. 1994. The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian

Self-determination, 1969-1994. NY: Pantheon Books, 1994; NY: Vintage Books,


-----. 1994. Representations of the Intellectual: The 1993 Reith Lectures. NY:

Pantheon Books; Originally published in Great Britain by Vintage Books.

-----. 1995. Peace and Its Discontents: Essays on Palestine in the Middle East

Peace Process. NY: Random House, Inc.

-----. 1999. Out of Place: A Memoir. NY: Alfred A. Knopf.

-----. 2000. The End of the Peace Process: Oslo and After. NY: Pantheon Books.

-----. 2000. Reflections on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard


-----. 2001. Power, Politics, and Culture: Interviews with Edward W. Said. Edited

and with an introduction by Gauri Viswanathan. NY: Pantheon Books.

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