In the Shadow of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict:
Peace Processes, Mediations, Peace Keeping, and Threats
Amos Nadan, PhD
This course deals with the changing approaches of Israelis, Palestinians and other parties towards the Palestinian-Israeli conflict; and especially with the attempts to attain peace between the two sides. From discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict, we will move to examine processes of reconciliation alongside “peace keeping” and “carrot and stick” approaches.
1. The Arab-Israel Conflict
Avraham Sela, “Arab-Israel Conflict,” in Avraham Sela (ed.), The Continuum Political Encyclopaedia of the Middle East (New York: Continuum, revised and updated edition, 2002), pp. 58-121.
2. Processes of Reconciliation in the Middle East
Oded Eran, “Arab-Israel Peacemaking,” in Avraham Sela (ed.), The Continuum Political Encyclopaedia of the Middle East (New York: Continuum, revised and updated edition, 2002), pp. 121-147.
3. The 50 Years War and Beyond
Film: The 50 Years War: Israel and the Arabs
4. War and Peace: Theoretical Approaches
John Paul Lederach, Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies (Washington, 2004), pp. 73-84.
Sean Byrne & Neal Carter, “Social Cubism: Six Forces of Ethnoterritorial Politics in Northern Ireland and Quebec,” [Winner of Honorable Mention in the 1996 Otto Klineburg Intercultural and International Relations Award – available at ]
5. Missed Roads for Peace? Conflicting Histories of the Mandate Period
Michael J. Cohen, "The Zionist Perspective," in Wm Roger Louis and Robert W. Stookey (eds.), The End of the Palestine Mandate (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986), pp. 79-103.
Walid Khalidi, "The Arab Perspective," in The End of the Palestine Mandate, pp. 104-136.
Wm. Roger Louis, "British Imperialism and the End of the Palestine Mandate," in The End of the Palestine Mandate, pp. 1-31.
Mamdouh Nofal et. al. “Reflections on Al-Nakba,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1998, pp. 5-35.
6. Changing Approaches of Israelis and Palestinians
William B. Quandt, “The Eclipse of Palestinian Nationalism, 1947-1967,” in Lesch et. al. (eds.) The Politics of Palestinian Nationalism (Berkeley, 1973), pp. 45-51.
Fouad Ajami, "The End of Pan Arabism", Foreign Affairs, vol. 57, 2, Winter 1978-1979, pp. 355-373.
Ziva Flamhaft, Israel on the Road to Peace: Accepting the Unacceptable (Boulder, 1996) pp. 1-6.
Herbert C. Kelman, "Israel in Transition from Zionism to Post-Zionism", Annals, January 1998, pp. 46-61.
7. The Role of Third Party/ies
Mary B. Anderson, Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace or War (Boulder, 1999), pp. 145-147.
Leonard Binder, "The International Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict in the Middle East", in Leonard Binder (ed.) Ethnic Conflict and International Politics in the Middle East (Gainesville, 1999), pp. 1-40.
Richard N. Haass, “The United States, Europe, and the Middle East Peace Processes,” in Robert M. Blackwill and Michael Strumer (eds.), Allied Divided: Transatlantic Policies for the Greater Middle East (Cambridge, 1997)
8. The Peace with Egypt and Jordan
Yoram Meital, Egypt's Struggle for Peace: Continuity and Change, 1967-1977 (Gainesville, Florida, 1997), pp. 142-172.
Gad Gilbar, The Middle East Oil Decade and Beyond (London, 1997), pp. 62-73.
* The peace treaty between Israel and Egypt
* Treaty of Peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
9. The Palestinian Authority: From State Building to Crisis
Amal Jamal, “State-Building, Institutionalization and Democracy: The Palestinian Experience,” Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Autumn 2001), pp. 1-30.
Azmi Shu`aybi and Khalil Shikaki, “A Window on the Workings of the PA: An Inside View,” Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2000, pp. 88-97.
Assaf Moghadam, “Palestinian Suicide Terrorism in the Second Intifada: Motivations and Organizational Aspects,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 26 (2), pp. 65-92.
World Bank, Twenty-Seven Months - Intifada, Closures and Palestinian Economic Crisis (2003).
10. Israel and the Palestinians: Getting Closer?
* Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements or Declaration of Principles [The Oslo Accord]
* The Saudi Initiative: Arab League Beirut Declaration of 28 March 2002
* Sharm el-Sheikh Summit of 2005
11. “Peace Keeping”
Laura Neack, "UN Peace-Keeping: In the Interest of Community or Self?," Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1995, pp. 181-196.
Rosemary Hollis, "Europe and the Middle East: Power by Stealth?," International Affairs, Vol. 73, No. 1, 1997, pp. 15-29
Volker Perthes, "Europe, The United States, and the Middle East Peace Processes," in
Robert D. Blackwill (ed.), Allies Divided: Transatlantic Policies for the Greater Middle East (Cambridge, 1997), pp. 79-100.
Eyal Ben-Ari, Meirav Maymon, Nir Gazit and Ron Shatzberg, From Checkpoints to Flow-Points: Sites of Friction between the Israel Defense Forces and Palestinians (Peace Publication #31), November 2005.
12. Econ.-Peace?
Paltrade and Peres Center for Peace, “The Untapped Potential: Palestinian-Israeli Economic Relations, Policy Option and Recommendation,” Dec. 2006.
13. Economic Sanctions: Military or Peace-Keeping Tool?
Elliott, Kimberly Ann & Peter P. Uimonen "The effectiveness of economic sanctions with application to the case of Iraq" Japan and the World Economy, 5 (1993), pp. 403-409.
Also, give a quick look at:
Hufbauer, Gary Clyde; Jeffrey J. Schott and Kimberly Ann Elliot Economic sanctions reconsidered : history and current policy (Washington, D. C. : Institute for International Economics, 1985), Volumes I and II, Cases 46-1, 56-1, 63-1, 65-4, 74-1, 78-6, 79-3, 80-2, 81-4, 84-1, 86-1, 89-3.
14. Final Discussion
- Aug 15 Fri 2008 21:40
In the Shadow of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict