

「第一週」    經濟社會學概論 Swedberg, Richard 1991 "Major Traditions of Economic Sociology." Annual Review of Sociology 17:251-76.
------------------------ 1997 "New Economic Sociology: What Has Been Accomplished, What Is Ahead?" Acta Sociologica 40:161-182.
Swedberg, Richard, Ulf Himmelstrand, and Goran Brulin. 1990 "The Paradigm of Economic Sociology." Pp. 57-86 in Structures of Capital, edited by Sharon Zukin and Paul DiMaggio. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Granovetter, Mark. 1992 "Problems of Explanation in Economic Sociology." Pp. 25-56 in Networks and Organizations, edited by Nitin Nohria and Robert G. Eccles. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Hirsch, Paul, Stuart Michaels, and Ray Friedman. 1990 "Clean Models vs. Dirty Hands: Why Economics is Different from Sociology." Pp. 39-56 in Structures of Capital, edited by Sharon Zukin and Paul DiMaggio. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

「第二週」 古典文獻 Polanyi, Karl 1947 "Our Obsolete Market Mentality." Commentary 3:109-117.
---------------- 1971 "The Economy as Instituted Process." Pp. 243-70 in Trade and Market in the Early Empires: Economies in History and Theory, edited by Karl Polanyi, Conrad Arensberg, and Harry Pearson. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co.

「第三週」    古典文獻

Granovetter, Mark 1985 "Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness." American Journal of Sociology 91:481-510.
--------------------- 1992 "Economic Institutions as Social Constructions: A Framework for Analysis." Acta Sociologica 35:3-11.
Sabel, Charles, and Jonathan Zeitlin 1985 "Historical Alternatives to Mass Production: Politics, Markets and Technology in Nineteenth-Century" Past and Present 108:133-76.

「第四週」   理性模式(由外而內)

Williamson, Oliver E. 1981 "The Economics of Organization: The Transaction Cost Approach." American Journal of Sociology 87:548-577.
North, Douglass C 1991 "Institutions, Transaction Costs, and the Rise of Merchant Empires." Pp. 22-40 in The Political Economy of Merchant Empire: State Power and World Trade, 1350-1750. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Becker, Gary S 1993 "Nobel Lecture: The Economic Way of Looking at Behavior." Journal of Political Economy 101:385-409

「第五週」    理性模式(由內而外) Coleman, James C 1988 "Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital." American Journal of Sociology 94:S95-S120.
Hannan, Michael , and John Freeman. 1984 "Structural Inertia and Organizational Change." American Sociological Review 49:149-164.
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Young, Ruth 1988 . "Is Population Ecology a Useful Paradigm for the Study of Organizations?" American Journal of Sociology 94:1-24.

「第六週」    文化模式

Zelizer, Viviana A. Rotman. 1983 Morals and Markets: The Development of Life Insurance in the United States. New Brunswick: Transaction Books.
Zelizer, Viviana. 1988 ". "Beyond the Polemics on the Market: Establishing a Theoretical and Empirical Agenda." Social Forces 3:614-34.

「第七週」    文化模式

DiMaggio, Paul J., and Walter W. Powell. 1991 "The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Field." Pp. 63-82 in The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, edited by Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
DiMaggio, Paul. 1994 "Culture and Economy." Pp. 27-57 in The Handbook of Economic Sociology, edited by Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

「第八週」    組織模式

Abolafia, Mitchel Y., and Nicole Woolsey Biggart. 1991 "Competition and Markets: An Institutional Perspective." Pp. 211-231 in Socio-Economics: Toward a New Synthesis, edited by Amitai Etzioni and Paul R. Lawrence. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
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「第九週」    組織模式

Block, Fred 1990 Postindustrial Possibilities: A Critique of Economic Discourse. Berkeley: University of California Press.

「第十週」    網絡模式

White, Harrison C 1981 "Were Do Markets Come From?" American Journal of Sociology 87:517-547.
Baker, Wayne E. 1984 "The Floor Trading and Crowd Dynamics." Pp. 107-128 in The Social Dynamics of Financial Markets, edited by Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler. Greenwich: JAI Press.
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Granovetter, Mark. 1973 "The Strength of Weak Ties." American Journal of Sociology 78:1360-380.
Baker, Wayne E., and Robert R. Faulkner. 1982 ""The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited." in Social Structure and Network Analysis, edited by P. V. Marsden and Nan Lin. London: Sage Publication.

「第十一週」    網絡模式

Burt, Ronald S. 1992 "The Social Structure of Competition." Pp. 57-91 in Networks and Organizations: Structure, Form, and Action, edited by Nitin Nohria and Robert G. Eccles. Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press.
Uzzi, Brian. 1997 "Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The Paradox of Embeddedness." Administrative Science Quarterly 42:35-67

「第十二週」    權力模式

Perrow, Charles 1985 "The Structural Transformation of American Industry: An Institutional Account of the Causes of Diversification in the Largest Firms, 1919-1979." Pp. 311-336 in The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, edited by Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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「第十三週」    權力模式

Fligstein, Neil 1991 "The Structural Transformation of American Industry: An Institutional Account of the Causes of Diversification in the Largest Firms, 1919-1979." Pp. 311-336 in The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis, edited by Walter W. Powell and Paul J. DiMaggio. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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---------------- and Iona Mara-Drita. 1996 "How to Make a Market: Reflections on the Attempt to Create a Single Market in the European Union." American Journal of Sociology 102:1-33.

「第十四週」    典型市場

Carruthers, Bruce G. 1994 "Homo Economicus and Homo Politicus: Non-Economic Rationality in the Early 18th Century London Stock Market." Acta Sociologica 37:165-194.
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Baker, Wayne E. 1984 The Social Structure of a National Securities Market." American Journal of Sociology 89:775-811.
Smith, Charles W. 1989 Auctions: The Social Construction of Value. New York: Free Press.

「第十五週」    非常市場

*Walder, Andrew 1986 Communist Neo-Traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Society
Stark, David. 1989 "Bending the Bars of the Iron Cage: Bureaucratization and Informalization in Capitalism and Socialism." Sociological Forum 4:637-665.
Lin, Nan. 1995 "Local Market Socialism: Local Corporatism in Action in Rural China." Theory and Society 24:301-354.

「第十六週」    經濟空間:在地化

Piore, Michael J., and Charles F. Sabel. 1984 The Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities for Prosperity. New York: Basic Books.
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Gereffi, Gary 1994 "The Organization of Buyer-Driven Global Commodity Chains: How U.S. Retailers Shape Overseas Production Networks." Pp. 95-122 in Commodity Chains and Global Capitalism, edited by Gary Gereffi and Miguel Korzeniewicz. London: Praeger.
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