2007 秋季班
第一週 2007. 9. 11 什麼是文化研究?
Giroux, H., D. Shumway, P. Smith, and J. Sosnoski, “The Need for Cultural Studies: Resisting Intellectuals and Oppositional Public Spheres”, A Cultural Studies Reader: History, Theory, Practice, pp. 647-658.
Fiske, J., “Cultural Studies and the Culture of Everyday Life”, Cultural Studies, pp. 154-165
第二週 2007. 9. 18 Marx:社會與意識形態
*Marx, K., “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, in R. C. Tucker ed., The Marx-Engels Reader (2nd edition), pp. 473-483.
*Marx, K., Capital, vol. 1, Ch.1 (Commodities), Section 4, “The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof”, in The Marx-Engels Reader (2nd edition), R.C. Tucker ed., pp. 319-329.
+Althusser, L., “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”, in Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, pp. 137-177.
+Gramsci, A., “The Formation of Intellectuals”, in The Modern Princes and Other Writings, pp. 118-125.
第三週 2007. 10. 2 Weber:理性化、現代權力
*Weber, M., 基督新教的倫理與資本主義的精神,張漢裕譯,協志工業叢書(或)新教倫理與資本主義精神 ,于曉等譯,谷風出版 (或) “Protestant Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism”, in Weber Selections in Translation, W.G. Runciman ed., pp. 138-173.
*Weber, M., “Types of Legitimate Domination”, in Economy and Society Vol. 1, G. Roth & C. Wittich eds., pp. 212-254.
+Weber, M., “The Distribution of Power Within the Political Communities: Class, Status, Party”, in Economy and Society Vol. 2, G. Roth & C. Wittich eds., pp. 926-938.
第四週 2007. 10. 09 Simmel:The Fetishism of Modernity
Simmel, G., “Sociology of the Senses” (pp. 109-120), “The Sociology of Sociability” (pp. 120-130), “Sociology of the Meal” (pp. 130-136), “The Metropolis and Mental Life” (pp. 174-186), “The Philosophy of Fashion” (pp. 187-206), “Adornment” (pp. 206-211), “The Adventure” (pp. 221-232), “Money in Modern Culture” (pp. 243-255), “The Berlin Trade Exhibition” (pp. 255-258), 以上選自 Simmel On Culture, D. Frisby and M. Featherstone eds.; “The Stranger”, in Georg Simmel On Individuality and Social Forms, D. Levine ed., pp. 143-149; “Flirtation”, in Georg Simmel On Women, Sexuality and Love, G. Oakes ed., pp. 133-152.
第五週 2007. 10. 16 Durkheim:集體表徵的社會事實性
*Durkheim, E., “Preface to the Second Edition” (pp. 34-47), “What is a Social Fact?” (pp. 50-59), “Rules for the Distinction of the Normal from the Pathological” (pp. 85-107), in The Rules of Sociological Method.
*Durkheim, E., The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, pp. 13-33 (Intro.), pp. 462-496 (Conclusion).
+de Saussure, F., Course in General Linguistics, pp. 65-78.
Levi-Strauss, C., “The Scope of Anthropology” (pp. 3-32), “What Ethnology Owes to Durkheim” (pp. 44-48), in Structural Anthropology Vol. 2.
第六週 2007. 10. 23 Bachelard-Canguillhem:知識論與社會科學
Bourdieu, P. et. al., The Craft of Sociology: Epistemological Preliminaries, pp.3-89, 144-5, 157-9, 201-6, 221-8, 233-9.
第七週 2007. 10. 30 符號分析與文化詮釋:一個切入點
*Barthes, R., 1993 (1958), Mythologies《神話學》, London: Vintage, “The World of Wrestling”.
*Geertz, C., 1973, “Thick Description”, in The Interpretation of Cultures《文化的解釋》, Basic Books.
+Douglas, M., 1991 (1966), Purity and Danger, London: Routledge, Chapters 2-3.
+Boon, J.A., 1982, Other Tribes, Other Scribes: Symbolic Anthropology in the Comparative Study of Cultures, Histories, Religions and Texts, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1.
Sahlins, M.D., 1976, Culture and Practical Reason《文化與實踐理性》, University of Chicago Press, Chapter 4.
White, L.A., 1954, Review of A.L. Kroeber and C. Kluckhohn, Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions, American Anthropologist 56: 461-68.
第八週 2007. 11. 6 文化也有作者:書寫的權威性
*Foucault, M., 1976, “What is an Author?”, in Textual Strategies, J.V. Harari ed., Cornell University Press.
*Clifford, J., 1983, “On Ethnographic Authority”, Representations 1(2): 119-46.
+Rosaldo, R., 1993, “Narrative Analysis”, in Culture and Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis, Boston: Beacon Press..
+Radway, J., 1984, “Interpretive Communities and Variable Literacies: The Function of Romance Reading”, Daedalus 113(3): 49-73.
West, C., 1990, “The New Cultural Politics of Difference”, October 53: 93-109.
Moore, H., 1994, A Passion for Difference, Indiana University Press, Chapter 7.
第九週 2007. 11. 13 儀式、表現、實踐:文化行動的節奏
*Goffman, E., 1959, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life《日常生活中的自我表演》, New York: Doubleday, Chapter 1.
*Turner, V.W., 1974, “Social Dramas and Ritual Metaphors”, in Dramas, Fields and Metaphors, Cornell University Press.
+Bourdieu, P., 1990, The Logic of Practice, Stanford University Press, Chapters 3, 5 & 7.
+Schechner, R., 2002, Performance Studies: An Introduction, London: Routledge, Chapter 2.
Alexander, J.C., 1990, “Analytic Debates: Understanding the Relative Autonomy of Culture”, in Culture and Society–Contemporary Debates, Cambridge University Press.
Certeau, M. de, 1984, The Practice of Everyday Life, University of California Pr., Chapter 7.
第十週 2007. 11. 20 文化研究與社會階級批判:一個當代的反思
*Hall, S., 1980, “Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms”, Media Culture and Society 2: 57-72.
*Arnold, M., 1993, Culture and Anarchy《文化與無政府狀態》, Cambridge University Pr., Chapter 1.
+Williams, R., 1987 (1958), Culture and Society, 1780-1950《文化與社會》, London: Hogarth, Conclusion.
+Thompson, E.P., 1991 (1963), The Making of the English Working Class, London: Penguin, pp. 418-29.
Inglis, F., 1993, Cultural Studies, Oxford: Blackwell, Chapter 2.
第十一週 2007. 11. 27 殖民主義知識與後殖民主義理論
*Said, E., 1995 (1978), Orientalism《東方主義》, Penguin, Introduction & Chapter 1.
*Mitchell, T., 1988, Colonizing Egypt, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 1.
+Viswanathan, G., 1989, Masks of Conquest: Literary Study and British Rule in India, Columbia University Press, Chapter 3.
+Chakrabarty, D., 1992, “Postcoloniality and the Artifice of History: Who Speaks for “Indian Pasts?”, Representations 37: 1-26.
Appiah, K.A., 1991, “Is the Post- in Postmodernism the Post- in Postcolonial”? Critical Inquiry 17: 336-57.
Gates, L.H., 1991, “Critical Fanonism”, Critical Inquiry 17: 457-71.
第十二週 2007. 12. 04 語言、幻想與無意識:Sigmund Freud
第十三週 2007. 12. 11 主體、權力與論述構成:Jacques Lacan, Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault
1.Jacques Lacan, The Formation of the I, Mirror Stage,” Ecrits 1-7.
2.Louis Althusser, , “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”, in identity: a reader, 31-38, or Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, pp. 137-177.
3.Michel Foucault, “Introduction,” The Use of Pleasure: the History of Sexuality, Vol. I & II. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1985).
4.Stuart Hall, "Who needs 'identity'?" in Questions of Cultural Identity. Ed. By Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay. London: Sage, 1996. 1-18; or in identity: a reader, 15-30.
第十四週 2007. 12. 18 民族、國家與想像共同體: Benedict Anderson and Frantz Fanon
1.Benedict Anderson,《想像的共同體》,時報出版社,1999。第1、2、3章、第10、11章。
2.法農《黑皮膚,白面具》,Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks。導論,第1、4、6、7章。
+沈松僑,〈召喚沈默的亡者:我們需要怎樣的國族歷史?〉,《臺灣社會研究》,57。民94.03 頁241-246。
+沈松僑,〈國權與民權--晚清的「國民」論述, 1895-1911〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》,73:4。民91.12 頁685-734。
+王明珂,〈論攀附:近代炎黃子孫國族建構的古代基礎〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》,73:3。民91.09 頁583-624。
+吳叡人,〈祖國的辯證:廖文奎(1905-1952)臺灣民族主義思想初探〉,《思與言》,37:3。民88.09 頁47-100。
+陳奕麟,〈解構中國性:論族群意識作為文化作為認同之曖昧不明〉,《台灣社會研究》33。民88.03 頁103-131。
+錢永祥、王振寰,〈邁向新國家﹖民粹威權主義的形成與民問題〉,《台灣社會研究》20。民84.08 頁17-55。
第十五週 2007. 12. 25 視覺、影像與詮釋
1.Rogoff, Irit. "Studying Visual Culture." Visual Culture Reader, Routledge, 1998. 14-26.
2.Jean-Luc Nancy, “Image and Violence,” The Ground of the Image (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005), pp. 16-26.
3.Jacques Rancière, “Painting in the Text,” “The Surface of Design,” The Future of the Image, 69-107.
第十六週 2008. 1. 8 性別、階級、疆界
1.Spivak, G., 1988, “Can the Subaltern Speak?” in Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, C. Nelson and L. Grossberg ed., Macmillan.
2.Balibar, Etienne. "What is a Border?" Politics and the Other Scene. (1993) Verso, 2002. 75-86.
3.Balibar, Etienne. "World Borders, Political Borders," "Outline of a Topography of Cruelty: Citizenship and Civility in the Era of Global Violence," We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship. (2001) Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2004. pp. 101-132.
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