
有一些我不知道她是什麼 不過 和台灣念的大同小異
有一些有點出乎意料就是 XDTZ

Suggestions for pre-course reading
Students admitted to study for postgraduate degrees at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology come from a variety of academic backgrounds and have very diverse needs and orientations. The following list of initial reading suggestions is not mandatory: please use your own good sense in using it, whether you are new to anthropology or already have extensive training and relevant experience. In drawing up this list we have kept in mind not only social anthropology but also the range of more specialist master's degrees taught at ISCA (material anthropology with museum ethnography, visual anthropology, and medical anthropology). Many of the suggested readings are relevant to several of these fields.

Anthropologists at work

Bowen, Elenore Smith (1954) Return to laughter. Gollancz.

Rabinow, Paul (1977) Reflections on fieldwork in Morocco . University of California Press.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1989 ) Tristes tropiques. Penguin.

Gardner, Katy (1991) Songs at the river's edge. Virago.

Young, Malcolm (1991) An inside job: policing and police culture in Britain . Oxford .

Okely, Judith, and Helen Callaway (eds.) (1992) Anthropology and autobiography. Routledge.

Watson, C. W. (ed.) (1999) Being there: fieldwork in anthropology . Pluto.

Dresch, Paul, Wendy James and David Parkin (eds.) (2000) Anthropologists in a wider world: essays on field research. Berghahn.

MacClancy, Jeremy (ed.) (2002), Exotic no more: anthropology on the front lines . Chicago .

Basic introductions for those new to anthropology

Lienhardt, Godfrey (1964) Social anthropology. Oxford .

Pocock, David (1975) Understanding social anthropology. Hodder & Stoughton.

Keesing, Roger (1984) Cultural anthropology: a contemporary perspective. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Hendry, Joy (1999) An introduction to social anthropology: other people's worlds . Macmillan.

Recent Overviews

Kuper, Adam (1995) Anthropology and anthropologists: the modern British school. (rev. edn.) Routledge.

Barnard, Alan (2000) History and theory in anthropology. Cambridge .

James, Wendy (2003) The ceremonial animal: a new portrait of anthropology . Oxford .

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2001) Small places, large issues. London .

Eriksen Thomas Hylland, and F.S. Nielsen, A history of anthropology. London .

Layton , Bob (1997) An introduction to theory in anthropology. Cambridge .

Important readings on key topics

Durkheim, E. and M. Mauss (1903/1963) Primitive classification . Cohen & West.

Mauss, Marcel (1925/1990) The Gift . Routledge.

Douglas , Mary (1966/1984) Purity and danger ( new edition) . Ark.

Bernard, H. R. and P. J. Pelto (1972) Technology and social change. MacMillan.

Asad, Talal (ed.) (1973) Anthropology and the colonial encounter . Ithaca .

Needham , Rodney (ed.) (1973) Right & left. Chicago .

Bourdieu, Pierre (1977) Outline of a theory of practice. Cambridge .

Parkin, David J. (ed.) (1982) Semantic anthropology . Academic Press.

Moore , Henrietta (1988) Feminism and anthropology. Polity Press.

Ingold, Tim, D. Riches and J. Woodbum (1988) Hunters and gatherers (Part 1). Berg.

Coote, Jeremy and A. Shelton (eds) (1992) Anthropology, art and aesthetics. Oxford .

Crawford, P.I. and D. Turton (eds) (1992) Film as ethnography. Manchester University Press.

Davis, John (1992) Exchange. Open University Press.

Stokes, Martin (ed.) (1994) Ethnicity, identity, and music. Berg.

O'Hanlon, Michael and Eric Hirsch (eds) (1995) The anthropology of landscape . Oxford .

Parkin, Robert (1997) Kinship: an introduction to basic concepts. Blackwell.

Banks, Marcus and H. Morphy (eds) (1997) Rethinking visual anthropology . Yale.

Carsten, Janet (2004) After kinship . Cambridge .

Classic field-based studies

Malinowski, Bronislaw (1932) Argonauts of the western Pacific. Routledge.

Benedict, Ruth (1935) Patterns of culture . Routledge.

Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (1937) Witchcraft, oracles and magic among the Azande . Oxford .

Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (1940) The Nuer. Oxford .

Lienhardt, R.G. (1961 ) Divinity and experience: the religion of the Dinka. Oxford .

Dumont , Louis (1966) Homo hierarchicus. Chicago .

Turner, Victor (1967) The forest of symbols. Cornell.

Geertz, Clifford (1975) The interpretation of cultures. Hutchinson .

Rosaldo, Michelle (1980) Knowledge and passion: notions of self and society among the Ilongot. Cambridge .

Some points of reference in related disciplines

Merleau-Ponty, M. (1962) Phenomenology of perception . Routledge.

Said, Edward (1978) Orientalism. Routledge.

Connerton, Paul (1989) How societies remember. Cambridge .

Anderson, Benedict (1991) Imagined communities . Verso.

Gould, Stephen Jay (1997) The mismeasure of man (rev. ed). Harmondsworth.

Hobsbawm, Eric, and T.O. Ranger (eds) (1983) The invention of tradition. Cambridge .

Harvey, David (1989 ) The condition of postmodernity: an enquiry into the origins of cultural change . Oxford (Blackwell).

The main teaching is provided by Professor Robert Barnes, Dr Paul Dresch, Dr Elizabeth Ewart Dr David Gellner, Dr Robert Parkin, and Dr David Pratten. For details of how to apply please click here.

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