
本課程由人口流動的面向來理解全球化過程與意義. 或因婚姻或因貿易人口流動一直是人類社會常見的安排. 但流動牽涉的範圍之廣, 規模之大, 在西方進入開闢新航線之後, 前所未及. 我以人口流動為文化接觸的一種形式, 進一步分析文化接觸的途徑, 脈絡以及對文化再生產的作用. 而通訊與運輸技術的發展促成人與地域(家, 家鄉, 國家)的分離與重組. Diaspora跨國境的聯繫或為國家的境外資源或成潛在威脅. diaspora 如何可能? 如何建立與維持與家鄉以及移入社會的關係? 在認識人口流動這一現象時, 我門同時佔有至少兩個立場: 一是我們較熟悉的移出社會, 一是我們經驗但觀念上陌生的移入社會.

本課程由人口流動的面向來理解全球化過程與意義. 或因婚姻或因貿易人口流動一直是人類社會常見的安排. 但流動牽涉的範圍之廣, 規模之大, 在西方進入開闢新航線之後, 前所未及. 我以人口流動為文化接觸的一種形式, 進一步分析文化接觸的途徑, 脈絡以及對文化再生產的作用. 而通訊與運輸技術的發展促成人與地域(家, 家鄉, 國家)的分離與重組. Diaspora跨國境的聯繫或為國家的境外資源或成潛在威脅. diaspora 如何可能? 如何建立與維持與家鄉以及移入社會的關係? 在認識人口流動這一現象時, 我門同時佔有至少兩個立場: 一是我們較熟悉的移出社會, 一是我們經驗但觀念上陌生的移入社會.

*上課方式: 上課以討論為主。選課同學每周需將閱\讀所得應用在自己的研究材料上寫就一三千字內的報告。學期結束前每一選課同學須做期末論文之口頭報告。 *評分方式: 期末論文, 20-25頁

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參考書目 Appadurai, Arjun
1996 Modernity at Large. Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota Press.

Clifford, James
1997 Routes: Travel and Translation in the late Twentieth Century. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Ghosh, Amitav
In the Antique Land.

週次 日期 單元主題
第1週 2/21 課程介紹
第2週 2/28 紀念日放假
第3週 3/06 Implication of travel for understanding culture Clifford, James 1997 Prologue: In Medias Res. In Routes: Travel and Translation in the late Twentieth Century. Pp. 1-13. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1997 Traveling Cultures. In Routes: Travel and Translation in the late Twentieth Century. Pp. 17-46. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (basic concepts: travel, dwelling, border, hybridity, diaspora, global, context)
第4週 3/13 Framework of population movement Gupta, Akhil & James Ferguson 1997 (1992) Beyond ‘Culture’: Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference. In Akhil Gupta & James Ferguson eds. Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology. Pp. 33-51. Durham & London: Duke University Press. Reflecting on anthropological concepts of cultures and peoples, the producing of cultural differences; deterritorialized and reterritorialized; interstitiality (borderlands) and public culture. This article helps us to locate migration studies in current development of anthropological theories. critique of Clifford’s trope of route Friedman, Jonathan 2002 From Roots to Routes: Tropes for Trippers. Anthropological Theory 2(1): 21-36.
第5週 3/20 Ethnoscape fluidity, boundlessness Technology; mass media; translocal communication, diasporic public sphere, violence Appadurai, Arjun 1996 Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy. In Modernity at Large. Pp. 27-47. Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota Press. Global Ethnoscapes: Notes and Queries for a Transnational Anthropology. In Modernity at Large. Pp. 48-64. Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota Press.
第6週 3/27 a : Indigenous travel theory (Tung p.3) Tsing, Anna 1993 A Science of Travel In the Realm of the Diamond Queen. Pp. 121-206.
第7週 4/03 b: Imperialism: travel routes; exhibitions; scientific knowledge Pratt, Mary 1992 Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. Pp. 1-68.
第8週 4/10 c: Capitalism: international division of labor; migrant workers(indentured laborers, guest workers) Minz, Sydney Sweetness and Power. (Slavery; Plantation economy)
第9週 4/17 c: Capitalism: international division of labor; migrant workers Wolf, Eric 1982 Europe and the World without History. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
第10週 4/24 時空壓縮 Harvey, David 1990 The Experience of Space and Time, in the Condition of Postmodernity. Pp. 201-326.
第11週 5/01 d :techniques of regulation: passport Mongia Radhika Viyas 1999 Race, Nationality, Mobility: A History of the Passport. Public Culture 11 (3): 527-556. *Ghosh, Amitav 1994 (1986) The Iman and the Indian. in Question. Angelika Bammer ed. Pp. 47-55. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
第12週 5/08 e:nation-state threat to nation-state allegiance; ethnic violence; heritage politics Tololyan, Khachig 1991 the Nation State in Its Others: in Lieu of a Preface. Diaspora 1(1): 3-7
第13週 5/15 黑奴後裔的跨地域凝聚 (Tung p.4) Gilroy, Paul The Black Atlantic.
第14週 5/22 印度人的跨地域凝聚 Shukla, Sandhya 2001 Locations for South Asian Diasporas. Annual Review of Anthropology 30: 551-72. Avtar Brah 1996 Chapter 1: Constructing the ‘Asian’ in Post-war Britain: Culture, Politics and Identity in the Pre-Thatcher Years. Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting identities. London & New York: Routledge.
第15週 5/29 華人的跨地域凝聚 Mckeown, Adam 1999 Conceptualizing Chinese Diasporas, 1842 to 1949. The Journal of Asian Studies 58(2): 306-337. Aihwa Ong 1999 Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality. Durham & London: Duke University Press. Chapter 1: Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality. Pp. 1-28. 童元昭
第16週 6/05 大洋洲人群的流動經驗 Lawrence M. Carruci 2004 The transformation of Person and place on Enewetak and Ujelang Atoll. In Victoria Lockwood ed. Globalization and Culture Change in the Pacific Islands. Pp. 414-438. Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
第17週 6/12 同學報告

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