− 女性在東南亞勞動市場的參與情況
− 東南亞家庭結構與在社經發展所扮演的角色
− 東南亞女性跨國移動的情形與境遇
− 如何建構東南亞女性的能力?
− 東南亞性別與社會變遷
一〇、 女性、健康與環境
一一、 全球化下之女性移動
一二、 婦女NGOs與能力建構
一三、 婦女組織與賦權
第一部 制度:機會與阻礙
第一週 女性、性別與發展
Cartier, C. and J. Rothenberg-Aalami (2000). "Gender and Development." In Thomas R. Leinbach and Richard Ulack, eds., Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development (New York: Prentice Hall), pp. 274-302. HT 395.A85S67 2000 (*; TKU).
Heyzer, Noeleen. 1986. “Women and Development: A Theoretical Overview.” Chapter 1 in Working Women in South-East Asia: Development, Subordination and Emancipation (Milton Keynes: Open University Press), 1-10.
Onozawa, Nitaya (1999). "Thai Women: Changing Status and Roles During the Course of Thai Modernization (1)." 《東京家政學院筑波女子大學紀要》,第3集, 133-152 (http://www.tsukuba-g.ac.jp/library/kiyou/99/10.ONOZAWA.pdf).
Wee, Vivienne. 2001. "Gender and Development in Post-Crisis Southeast Asia." Working paper No. 14, Southeast Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong, October (http://www.cityu.edu.hk/searc/WP14_01_Wee.pdf).
Afshar, Haleh (2000). "Gendering the Millennium: Globalising Women." Development in Practice, 10(3&4), August, 527-34.
Baden, Sally and Anne Marie Goetz. 1998. "Who Needs [Sex] When You Can Have [Gender]? Conflicting Discussions on Gender at Beijing." In Cecile Jackson and Ruth Pearson, eds., Feminist Vision of Development: Gender, Analysis and Policy (London: Routledge), 19-38. Reprinted in L. Beneria and S. Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development, Vol. 1 (Elgar, 2001), 518-37. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU).
Robinson, Kathryn and Sharon Bessell (2002). "Introduction to the Issues." In Kathryn Robinson and Sharon Bessell, eds., Women in Indonesia: Gender, Equity and Development (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 1-12. HQ 1752.W67 2002 (TKU)
Van Esterik, Peggy, ed. (1996). Women of Southeast Asia (DeKalb: Northern Illinois University), Chaps. 2, 5, 8, 9. HQ 1745.8.W65 1996 (TKU).
World Bank. Development Research Group/ Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (2000). "Enhancing Development Through Attention to Gender." Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
第二週 性別觀點主流化
Blackburn, Susan (2004). “State Gender Ideologies and the Women’s Movement.” In Women and the State in Modern Indonesia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 8-32. HQ 1752.B53 2004 (TKU)
Fahey, Stephanie (1998). "Vietnam's Women in the Renovation Era." In Krishna Sen and Maila Stivens, eds., Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (London: Routledge), 222-49. HQ1745.8 .G45 1998 (TKU).
Metcalfe, Ian (2004). "Framing Women Workers in Asia: Gender-Related Socio-Demographic and Developmental Indicators." In Amarjit Kaur, ed., Women Workers in Industrialising Asia: Costed, Not Valued (Basingstoke: Palgrave), 5-36. HD 6181.85.W6535 2004 (TKU)
Roces, Mina (1998). "The Gendering of Post-War Philippine Politics." In Krishna Sen and Maila Stivens, eds., Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (London: Routledge), 291-316. HQ1745.8 .G45 1998 (TKU).
Soedarti Surbakti (2002). "Gender Mainstreaming and Sex-disaggregated Data." In Kathryn Robinson and Sharon Bessell, eds., Women in Indonesia: Gender, Equity and Development (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 209-18. HQ 1752.W67 2002 (TKU)
Correia, Maria C. and Ian Bannon (2006). “Gender and Its Discontents: Moving to Men-Streaming Development.” In Maria C. Correia and Ian Bannon, eds., The Other Half of Gender: Men's Issues in Development (Washington, DC: The World Bank), 245-60.
Iwanaga, Kazuki and Marjorie Suriyamongkol, eds. (2007). Women and Politics in Thailand. Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies.
Mason, Karen (1995). "Is the Situation of Women in Asia Improving or Deteriorating?" (with the assistance of Amy Cardamone, Jill Holdren and Leah Retherford), Asia Pacific Population Research Report No. 6, Honolulu: East-West Center.
Moser, Caroline O. (1989). "Gender Planning in the Third World: Meeting Practical and Strategic Gender Needs." World Development, 17(11), November, 1799-825. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 1 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 129-55. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU).
第三週 性別、階級與貧窮
Buvinic, Mayra (1997). "Women in Poverty: A New Global Underclass." Foreign Policy, Fall, 38-53.
Hilsdon, Anne-Marie (2003). “Violence against Maranao Muslim Women in the Philippines.” In Lenore Manderson and Linda Rae Bennett, eds., Violence against Women in Asian Societies: Gender Inequality and Technologies of Violence (London: RoutledgeCurzon), 20-40. HV 6250.4.W65V564 2003 (TKU)
PuruShotam, Nirmala (1998). "Between Compliance and Resistance: Women and the Middle-Class Way of Life in Singapore." In Krishna Sen and Maila Stivens, eds., Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (London: Routledge), 127-66. HQ1745.8 .G45 1998 (TKU).
Stivens, Maila (1998). "Sex, Gender and the Making of the New Malay Middler Classses." In Krishna Sen and Maila Stivens, eds., Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (London: Routledge), 87-126. HQ1745.8 .G45 1998 (TKU).
Zainah, Anwar (2001). "The Struggle for Women's Rights within the Religious Framework: The Experience of Sisters in Islam." In Colin Barlow, ed., Modern Malaysia in the Global Economy: Political and Social Change into the 21st Century (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar), 178-88. HC 445.5.M633 2001 (TKU)
Beneria, Lourdes and Gita Sen (1982). "Class and Gender Inequalities and Women's Role in Economic Development: Theoretical and Practical Implications." Feminist Studies, 8(1), Spring, 157-76. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 1 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 14-33. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU).
Goodkind, Daniel (1995). Rising Gender Inequality in Vietnam Since Reunification." Pacific Affairs, 68(3), Autumn, 342-59. (&).
Jackson, Cecile. 1998. "Rescuing Gender from the Poverty Trap." In Cecile Jackson and Ruth Pearson, eds., Feminist Vision of Development: Gender, Analysis and Policy (London: Routledge), 39-64. Reprinted in L. Beneria and S. Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development, Vol. 2 (Elgar, 2001), 113-38. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)
Kwiatkowski, Lynn M. (1998). "Developing Hunger in the Philippines." Chap. 2 in Struggling with Development: The Politics of Hunger and Gender in the Philippines (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press), 33-60. DS 666.I15K85 1998 (TKU).
Ng, Cecilia, ed. (1999). Positioning Women in Malaysia: Class and Gender in an Industrialising State. New York: St. Martin's Press; Hampshire: Macmillan Press. HD6192.6 P67 1999 (中研院亞太研究中心)
Seguino, Stephanie (2000). "Gender Inequality and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Analysis." World Development, 28(7), July, 1211-30 .
Seguino, Stephanie (2002). "Gender, Quality of Life, and Growth in Asia, 1970-90." The Pacific Review, 15(2), 245-27
第四週 性別圖像與認同
Cook, Nerida (1998). "'Dutiful Daughters', Estranged Sisters: Women in Thailand." In Krishna Sen and Maila Stivens, eds., Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (London: Routledge), 250-90. HQ1745.8 .G45 1998 (TKU)
Drummond, Lisa (2006). "Gender in Post-Doi Moi Vietnam: Women, Desire, and Change." Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 13(3), June, 247-250. (&).
Ong, Aihwa (1995). "State Versus Islam: Malay Families, Women's Bodies, and the Body Politics in Malaysia." In Aihwa Ong and Michael G. Peletz, eds., Bewitching Women, Pious Men: Gender and Body Politics in Southeast Asia (Berkeley: University of California Press), 159-94. HQ1075.5.A785 B49 1995 (中研院亞太研究中心)
Surtees, Rebecca (2003). "Negotiating Violence and Non-violence in Cambodian Marriages." Gender & Development, 11(2), July, 30-42. (&)
Creese, Helen (2005). Women of the Kakawin World: Marriage and Sexuality in the Indic Courts of Java and Bali. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe Inc. PL 5172.C74 2004 (TKU)
Devasahayam, Theresa W. and Brenda S.A. Yeoh , eds. (2007). Working and Mothering in Asia: Images, Ideologies and Identities. Singapore: Singapore University Press.
Halili, Servando D. Jr. (2007). Iconography of the New Empire: Race and Gender Images and the American Colonization of the Philippines. Manila: University of the Philippines Press.
Harrison, Rachel (2001). “Prostitution, Politics and Power: Issues of the ‘Foreign’ in Western Television Documentaries of Female Sex Workers in Thailand.” In Shoma Munshi, ed., Images of the ‘Modern Woman’ in Asia (Richmond: Curzon Press/IIAS Asian Studies Series), 138-68. HQ 1220.A78I63 2001 (TKU)
Ockey, James (1999). "God Mothers, Good Mothers, Good Lovers, Godmothers: Gender Images in Thailand." Journal of Asian Studies, 58(4), November, 1033-1058. (&)
Peletz, Michael G. (1996). "The Person and the Body: Reason, Passion, and Shame." Chap. 5 in Reason and Passion: Representations of Gender in a Malay Society (Berkeley: University of California Press), 202-56. DS595 .P45 1996 (TKU)
Radzi, Wirdati Mohammad (2007). Muslim Women and Sports in the Malay World: The Crossroads of Modernity and Faith. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books.
Suryasinata, Leo (1997). "Women and Chinese Identity: An Exchange at the Closing Session of the Workshop." "The Ethnic Chinese and Ersatz Capitalism in Southeast Asia." In Leo Suryadinata, ed., Ethnic Chinese as Southeast Asians (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 297-300. (*)
第二部 生活與資源掌控
第五週 家計與生產
Crinis, Nicki (2004). "Pink-Collared Workers and the Family in Modernizing Malaysia: A Case Study of the Garment Industry." Chap. 8 in Leng Leng Thang and Wei-Hsin Yu, eds., Old Challenges, New Strategies: Women, Work and Family in Contemporary Asia (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers), 163-84. HD 6181.85.O43 2004 (TKU)
Hart, Gillian. 1992. "Household Production Reconsidered: Gender, Labor Conflict, and Technological Change in Malaysia's Muda Region." World Development, 20(6), June, 809-23. Reprinted in L. Beneria and S. Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development, Vol. 2 (Elgar, 2001), 59-73. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)
Hull, Terence H. and Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo (2002). "Women, Family Planning and Decentralisation: New Variations on Old Themes." In Kathryn Robinson and Sharon Bessell, eds., Women in Indonesia: Gender, Equity and Development (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 235-49. HQ 1752.W67 2002 (TKU)
Levine, David and Michael Kevane (2003). "Are Investments in Daughters Lower When Daughters Move Away? Evidence from Indonesia." World Development, 31(6), June, 1065-84.
Luong, Hy Van (2003). "Gender Relations: Ideologies, Kinship Practices and Political Economy." In Hy Van Luong, ed., Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of a Transforming Society (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 201-24. HN 700.5.A8P67 2003 (TKU)
Ames, Angeline and Todd Ames (2004). "Social and Economic Development Among Rural Women in Northern Thailand." Chap. 9 in Leng Leng Thang and Wei-Hsin Yu, eds., Old Challenges, New Strategies: Women, Work and Family in Contemporary Asia (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers), 209-31. HD 6181.85.O43 2004 (TKU)
Jones, Gavin W. (2002). "The Changing Indonesian Household." In Kathryn Robinson and Sharon Bessell, eds., Women in Indonesia: Gender, Equity and Development (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 219-34. HQ 1752.W67 2002 (TKU)
Ofstedal, Mary Beth, John Knodel and Napaporn Chayovan (1999). "Intergenerational Support and Gender: A Comparison of Four Asian Countries." Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 27(2), 21-41. (&)
Parrenas, Rhacel Salazar . 2003. “Intergenerational and Gender Relations in Transnational Families.” Chap. 5 in Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration, and Domestic Work (Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila Press), 116-49 (Bibliography). HD 6072.P27 2001 (TKU).
Peletz, Michael G. (1996). "Kinship, Gender, and sexuality from the Nineteenth Century to the Present." Chap. 3 in Reason and Passion: Representations of Gender in a Malay Society (Berkeley: University of California Press), 101-54. DS595 .P45 1996 (TKU)
Pollock, Nancy J. (2003). " Rethinking Marriage and Gender Relations Using Evidence from the Pacific." Gender & Development, 11(2), July, 85-90. (&)
Rantana Tosakul-Boonmathya (2006). "The Family in Thailand: Today and into the Future." A paper prepared for a discussion in the international conference on "Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Family Education in Southeast Asian Countries," held at The National Chia Yi University, October 26-27 (http://www.family.ncyu.edu.tw/source/2006symposium/Dr.%20Ratana%20Tosakul-Boonmathya.pdf) (從今日邁向未來的泰國家庭, 楊世璋 譯).
Pham Van Bich (2004). "When Women Go Fishing: Women's Work in Vietnamese Fishing Communities." Chap. 7 in Leng Leng Thang and Wei-Hsin Yu, eds., Old Challenges, New Strategies: Women, Work and Family in Contemporary Asia (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers), 163-84. HD 6181.85.O43 2004 (TKU)
Wolf, Diane L. 1990. "Daughters, Decisions and Domination: An Empirical and Conceptual Critique of Household Strategies." Development and Change, 21(1), January, 43-74. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 1 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 367-98.
Wolf, Diane Lauren (1992). Factory Daughters: Gender, Household Dynamics, and Rural Industrialization in Java. Berkeley: University of California Press. (*)
第六週 女性勞工與產業
Cameron, Lisa. 2002. "Women and the Labour Market during and after the Crisis." In Kathryn Robinson and Sharon Bessell, eds., Women in Indonesia: Gender, Equity and Development (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), 144-57. HQ 1752.W67 2002 (TKU) (References).
Crinis, Vicki (2002). "The Stratification of Garment and Textile Industries and Labour Movements in Malaysia." In Dong-Sook S. Gills and Nicola Piper, eds., Women and Work in Globalising Asia (London: Routledge), 154-68. HD6181.85 .W653 2002 (TKU)
Rosenthal, Mila (2002). "Facing a New Revolution in Vietnam: State Textile Workers in the Post-Reform Economy." In Dong-Sook S. Gills and Nicola Piper, eds., Women and Work in Globalising Asia (London: Routledge), 112-30. HD6181.85 .W653 2002 (TKU)
Theobald, Sally (2002). "Working for Global Factory: Thai Women in Electronics Export Companies in the Northern Regional Industrial Estate." In Dong-Sook S. Gills and Nicola Piper, eds., Women and Work in Globalising Asia (London: Routledge), 131-53. HD6181.85 .W653 2002 (TKU).
Thomas, Mandy (2001). "Stitching at the Boundaries: Vietnamese Garment Industry Workers in Transnational Spaces." Intersections, Issue 5, May (http://wwwsshe.murdoch.edu.au/intersections/issue5/thomas.html).
Arriagada, Irma. 1994. "Changes in the Urban Female Labour Market." CEPAL Review, 53, August, 91-110. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 2 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 299-318. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)
Braunstein, Elissa (2000). "Engendering Foreign Direct Investment: Family Structure, Labor Markets and International Capital Mobility." World Development, 28(4), July, 1157-72.
Chant, Sylvia and cathy McIlwaine (1995). "Gender and Export Manufacturing in the Philippines: Continuity or Change in Female Employment? The Case of the Mactan Export Processing Zone." Gender, Place and Culture, 2(2), September, 147-76. (&).
Dowling, J Malcolm; Worswick, Christopher. (1999). "Labor Market Participation of Urban Women in Southeast Asia by Migration Status: Evidence from Microdata." Journal of Asian Economics. 10 (1), Spring, 91-109. (&)
Elson, Diane and Ruth Pearson (1989). ”Introduction: Nimble Fingers and Foreign Investments.” In Diane Elson and Ruth Person, eds., Women's Employment and Multinationals in Europe (London: Macmillan), 1-11.
Heyzer, Noeleen (1986). “Women and the Relocation of the Textile Industry.” In Working Women in South-East Asia: Development, Subordination and Emancipation (Open University Press).
Kurian, Rachel (1999). "Women's Work in Changing Labour Markets: The Case of Thailand in the 1980s." Afshar, Haleh and Stephanie Barrientos, eds., Women, Globalization and Fragmentation in the Developing World (New York: St Martin's Press), 174-95. HQ 1240.5.D44W657 1999 (TKU
Sagrario Floro, Maria and Kendall Schaefer (1998). "Restructuring of Labor Markets in the Philippines and Zambia: The Gender Dimension." Journal of Developing Areas, 33(1), Fall, 73-98. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 2 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 393-418. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)
Tran, Angie Ngoc (2001). "Global Subcontracting and Women Workers in Comparative Pespective." In Claes Brundenius and John Weeks, eds., Globalization and Third World Socialism: Cuba and Vietnam (Bastingstoke: Palgrave), 217-36. HC 152.5.G55 2001 (&; TKU).
第七週 性別、市場與資源
Bahramitash, Roksana (2005). " "Who Pays for Market Fundamentalism?" Chap. 2 in Liberation from Liberalization: Gender and Globalization in South East Asia (London: Zed Books), 40-63. HQ 1240.5.A785B34 2005 (TKU).
Lee, Jean S.K. and Jasmine C.L. Pow (1999). "Human Resource Policies for Women: A Study in Singapore." Journal of Management Development, 18(4), 326-41. (&)
Lee, Susan H. (2006). “Widows Access to Productive Resources.” Chap. 4 in "Rice Plus": Widows and Economic Survival in Rural Cambodia (Abingdon: Routledge), 79-114. HQ 1058.5.C16L44 2006 (TKU)
Mills, Mary Beth (1997). “Contesting the Margins of Modernity: Women, Migration, and Consumption in Thailand." American Ethnologist, 24(1), 37-61
Sen, Krishna (1998). "Indonesian Women at Work: Reframing the Subject." In Krishna Sen and Maila Stivens, eds., Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (London: Routledge), 35-62. HQ1745.8 .G45 1998 (TKU)
Bahramitash, Roksana (2005). "Indonesia: Paper Tiger and the Asian Crisis." Chap. 4 in Liberation from Liberalization: Gender and Globalization in South East Asia (London: Zed Books), 106-35. HQ 1240.5.A785B34 2005 (TKU).
Bahramitash, Roksana (2005). "The Philippines: Exporting Women Is Good for Growth." Chap. 5 in Liberation from Liberalization: Gender and Globalization in South East Asia (London: Zed Books), 136-71. HQ 1240.5.A785B34 2005 (TKU).
Lee, Susan H. (2006). “’Rice Plus’ and Family Solidarity.” Chap. 3 in "Rice Plus": Widows and Economic Survival in Rural Cambodia (Abingdon: Routledge), 35-78. HQ 1058.5.C16L44 2006 (TKU)
Lucas, Linda E. (2007). Unpacking Globalization: Markets, Gender, and Work. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
Ong, Aihwa (1987). “The Modern Corporation: Manufacturing Gender Hierarchy.” In Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline: Factory Women in Malaysia (Albany: State University of New York Press). HD 1537.M27O54 1987 (TKU)
Sen, Gita (1996). "Gender, Markets and States: A Selective Review and Research Agenda." World Development, 24(5), May, 821-29. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria and Savitri Bisnath, eds., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Vol. 2 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 431-39. HQ 1240.G43 2001 (TKU)
Thanh-Dam Truong (2000). "A Feminist Perspective on the Asian Miracle and Crisis: Enlarging the Conceptual Map of Human Development." Journal of Human Development, 1(1), 159-64.
第八週 女性與社會變遷
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