Gender, culture/ art and society

賴嘉玲博士 授課大綱



Week 1 當女性主義邂逅藝術與文化

Week 2-4 女性主義理論初探

Week 2 女性主義流派引介

Tong, Rosemary. 1989. Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction. London: Routledge.

Week 3-4 後現代與後殖民女性主義

Moi, Toril 1986 Kristeva Reader. London: Blackwell

Irigaray, Lucy. 1991. (David Macey translate) The Irigaray Reader. London: Blackwell.

McNay, Loic. 1992. Foucault and Feminism. London: Sage.

Bourdieu, Pierre. 2002. Male Domination. London: Sage.

Haraway, Donna. 1991. ‘A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth century’, Simians, Cyborgs and Women. London: Free Association Books.

Spivak, Gayatri. 1988. ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’ In Cary Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg edited. Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. London: Macmillan.

Week 5 酷兒理論 與 男性研究

Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble. London: Routledge.

Connell, R.W. 2005. Masculinities. University of California Press.

Week 6 性別與創作空間: 為何少有偉大的女性藝術家? 創造性與性/性別的迷思

Nochlin, Linda 1989. ‘Why have there been no great women artists?’, Women, Art and Power and other essays, London: Thames & Hudson.
(中文版: 游惠貞 譯 女性、藝術與權力 第七章 遠流 藝術館)

Battersby, Christine. 1989 ‘Amongst the Ghosts’, Gender and Genius, London: The Women’s Press.

Chadwick, Whitney and Isabelle de Courtivron. 1993. Significant Others. London: Thames and Hudson.
(中文版: 許邏灣 譯 1997 愛人、同志─情欲與創作的激盪 台北:允晨出版社)

Week 7-8 藝術典範、藝術制度以及性別排除與包納

Pollock, Griselda. 1999. Differencing the Canon. London: Routledge.

Duncan, Carol. 1995. Civilising Ritual. London: Routledge.
(中文版 王雅各 譯 文明化的儀式 遠流 藝術館)

Chadwick, Whitney. 1990 (2007). Women, Art and Society. London: Thames & Hudson.
(李美蓉 譯 女性、藝術與社會 遠流 藝術館)

Week 9 性別化身體的建構與再現體制

Bordo, Susan. 1993. ‘Reading the Slender Body’, Unbearable Weight, California University Press.

Goffman, Erving. 1976. Gender Advertisement. New York: Harper and Row.

Sean Nixon. 1997. ‘Exhibiting Masculinity’, in Representation, edited by Stuart Hall. London: Sage.

Week 10-11 性別主體與觀看位置(Gendered Spectator Positions)

Laura Mulvey 1989. "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema", Visual and Other Pleasures, London: Macmillan

Jackie Stacey. 1994. ‘From the Male gaze to the Female Spectator’, Star Gazing: Hollywood cinema and Female Spectatorship. London: Routledge.

Bell Hooks. 2003 ‘The oppositional gaze: black female spectators’, The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader. London: Routledge.

Week 12-15 女性藝術家專論

Week 12-13女性視覺藝術創作者

Judy Chicago 穿越花朵 遠流藝術館
女性創作者 Mary Kelley, Helen Chadwick, Tracey Emin, Sophie Calle等
女性攝影師 Cindy Sherman, Annie Leibovitz等 之討論

Week 14 第三世界的女性藝術家

Isaak, Jo Anna. 1996. ‘抵抗的反映: 在世界另一端的女性藝術家’, 女性笑聲的革命性力量 遠流藝術館
Wu, Chin-Tao. 2007. ‘Worlds Apart’, Third Text, Vol. 21, (6) Nov: 719-731.

電影: 揮灑烈愛 Frida Kahlo
Shirin Neshat 作品賞析與討論

Week 15 女性/同志導演 與 女性影展/同志影展

Week 16 視覺之外: 音樂與性別

Susan McClary. 張馨濤 譯 陰性終止: 音樂學的女性主義批評 商周出版
Citron, Marcia. 1993. Gender and Musical Canon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Week 17 視覺之外: 性別、舞蹈與身體

Christy Adair. 1992. Women and Dance. London: Macmillan.
Wulff, Helen. 2002. Ballet Across Borders. London: Berg.


Week 18 結語

上課出勤、報告與表現: 20%
期中報告 (文獻閱讀與批評): 30%
期末報告: 50%

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