Space and Place
授課教師: 莊雅仲
本課程從晚近人類學對所謂地方意識的反省出發,這個反省指出地方意識並非是天生就在那裡固著於地域的「自然」概念,而是一連串「地方型塑」(place making) 過程的結果。立基於這個思考,本課程將進一步從經驗層次切入了解地方與空間,以及地方與認同過程之關係,並從跨學科觀點了解空間作為一種權力展現。最後我將地方放在全球化脈絡中來了解,試圖檢視後現代/後殖民論述探討流動(或去地域化)政治與地方意識的辨證過程,並以都市為例。最後我提出一種新政治立場,以捍衛一種動態又可展現特殊性的以地方為基礎的認同。
1. The Anthropology of Space and Place
Low and Lawrence-zuniga eds. 2003, The Anthropology of Space and Place
Gupta and Ferguson ed. 1997. Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology.
Feld and Basso ed.1996. Senses of Place.
Hirsch and O’Hanlon ed. 1995, The Anthropology of Landscape: Perspectives on Place and Space.
2. The Philosophy of Space and Place: Experience and Identity
Tuan, 1977. Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience.
Casey, 1997. The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History.
Malpas, 1999. Place and Experience: A Philosophical Topography.
Bachlard, The Poetics of Space
3. The Production of Space
Foucault, 1977. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison.
Lefebvre, 1991. The Production of Space
4. Place under Siege: Locality and Development
Escobar, 1995. Encountering Development.
Gupta, 1998. Postcolonial Development: Agriculture in the Making of Modern India.
Tsing, 2005. Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection.
5. Place, Space, and the Postmodern/Postcolonial/Transnational
Harvey, 1990. The Condition of Postmodernity.
Appadurai, 1997. Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimension of Globalization.
Auge, 1995. Non-places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity.
Soja, 1996, Thirdspace.
6. The City as Place
Henri Lefebvre, 1996. Writings on Cities.
Castells, 1983. The City and the Grassroots.
Smith, 2001. Transnational Urbanism: Locating Globalization
Soja, 2000. Postmetropolis: Critical Studies of Cities and Regions.
Sassen, 1991. The Global City.
7. A Place Called Home?
Massey, 1994. Space, Place, and Gender.
Dirlik, 2001. Places and Politics in an Age of Globalization.
Nancy, 1991. The Inoperative Community.
Etzioni ed. 1995. New Communitarian Thinking: Persons, Virtues, Institutions, and Communities.
- Nov 17 Mon 2008 16:42