跨國主義與文化 (Transnationalism and Culture)


1. Globalization, The Modern World System and Transnationalism: Basic Orientations
*Robertson, R., 1992, Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture, Sage, pp. 8-31.

+Held, D. et al, 1999, Global Transformations, Stanford University Press.

+Wolf, E.R., 1982, Europe and the People without History, University of California Press.

Bauman, Z., 1998, Globalization: The Human Consequences, Polity Press.

Stiglitz, J.S., 2002, Globalization and Its Discontents, W.W. Norton.

2. The Modern World System in the Emergence of Western Capitalism
*Wallerstein, I.M., 1974-89, The Modern World-System, Academic Press.

*Hall, T.D., 1996, “The World-System Perspective: A Small Sample from a Large Universe”, Sociological Inquiry 66(4): 440-54.

+Abu-Lughod, J., Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250-1350, Oxford University Press.

+ Dussel, E., 1999, “Beyond Eurocentrism: The World-System and the Limits of Modernity”, The Cultures of Globalization, F. Jameson and M. Miyoshi eds., Duke University Press, pp. 3-31.

Chase-Dunn, C., 1989, Global Formation: Structures of the World-Economy, Blackwell.

Mintz, S.W., 1986, Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History, Penguin.

3. Global Hierarchies of Place and Class
*Sassen, S., 2001, The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (2nd edition), Princeton University Press, pp. 1-36.

*McGrew, A.G., 1998, “The Globalisation Debate: Putting the Advanced Capitalist State in its Place”, Global Society 12(3): 299-321.

+Turner, T., 2002, “Shifting the Frame from Nation-State to Global Market: Class and Social Consciousness in the Advanced Capitalist Countries”, Social Analysis 46(2): 56-80.

+King, A.D., 1990, “Architecture, Capital and Globalization of Culture”, Theory Culture & Society 7(2-3): 397-411.

Arrighi, G., 1994, The Long Twentieth Century, Verso.

Jameson, F., 1984, “Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism”, New Left Review 146: 53-92.

4. Functional Disjunctures
*Appadurai, A., 1990, “Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy.” Public Culture 2(2): 1-24.

*Friedman, J., 1990, “Being in the World: Globalization and Localization”, Theory Culture & Society 7(2-3): 311-28.

+Featherstone, M., 2001, “Postnational Flows, Identity Formation and Cultural Space”, Identity, Culture, and Globalization, E. Ben Rafael and Y. Sternberg eds., Brill, pp. 483-526.

+Gupta, A., 1992, “The Song of the Nonaligned World: Transnational Identities and the Reinscription of Space in Late Capitalism”, Cultural Anthropology 7(1): 63-79.

Lash, S. and J. Urry, 1987, The End of Organized Capitalism, University of Wisconsin Press.

Hannerz, U., 1989, “Notes on the Global Ecumene”, Public Culture 1(2): 66-75.

5. Border Crossings and Global Flows
*Omae, Kenichi, 1990, The Borderless World: Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy, Harper Business.

*Basch, L. et al, 1994, Introduction, Nations Unbound: Transnational Projects, Postcolonial Predicaments, and Deterritorialized Nation-States, Gordon and Breach.

+Miyoshi, M., 1993, “A Borderless World? From Colonialism to Transnationalism and the Decline of the Nation-State”, Cultural Inquiry 19: 726-51.

+Tomlinson, J., “Conclusion: From Imperialism to Globalisation”, in his Cultural Imperialism, John Hopkins University Press, pp. 173-79.

du Gay, P. et al, 1997, Doing Cultural Studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman, Sage.

Lavie, S. and T. Swedenberg eds., 1999, Displacement, Diaspora and Geographies of Identity.

6. Cosmopolitanism, Multiculturalism and Hybrid Identities
*Nederveen Pieterse, J.P., 1995, “Globalization as Hybridization”, Global Modernities, M. Featherstone et al eds., Sage, pp. 45-68.

*Mignolo, W.D., 2000, “The Many Faces of Cosmo-polis: Border Thinking and Critical Cosmopolitanism”, Public Culture 12(3): 721-748.

+Buell, F., 1987, “Conceptualizations of Contemporary Global Culture”, Comparative Civilizations Review 17: 127-42.

+Clifford, J., 1994, “Diasporas”, Cultural Anthropology 9(3): 302-38.

Wilson, R. and W. Dissayanake eds., 1996, Global/Local: Cultural Production and the Transnational Imaginary, Duke University Press.

Gilroy, P., 1993, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, Harvard University Press.

7. Tourism and New Cultural Industries
*Urry, J., 2002, The Tourist Gaze (2nd edition), Sage.

+ MacCannell, D., 1976, The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class, Schocken Books.

Crouch, D. ed., 1999, Leisure/Tourism Geographies: Practices and Geographical Knowledge, Routledge.

Coleman, S. and M. Crang eds., 2002, Tourism: Between Place and Performance, Berghahn.

8. MacWorld and the McDonaldization of Society
*Ritzer, G., 1996, The McDonaldization of Society: An Investigation into the Changing Character of Contemporary Social Life (2nd edition), Pine Forge Press.

+Watson, J.L., “Introduction: Transnationalism, Localization, and Fast Foods in East Asia”, Golden Arches East: McDonald’s in East Asia, J.L. Watson ed., Stanford University Press, pp. 1-38.

9. The Advent of Internet Society
*Castells, M., 2000, The Rise of the Network Society (2nd edition), Vol. 1, Blackwell.

+Bogard, W., 2000, “Simmel in Cyberspace: Distance and Strangeness in Postmodern Communications”, Space and Culture 4-5: 23-46.

Smith, M.A. and P. Pollock eds., 1999, Communities in Cyberspace, Routledge.

10. Empire, or the Bio-Politics of a Smooth World
*Hardt, M. and A. Negri, 2000, Empire, Harvard University Press.

11. 綜合討論

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