
上課時間與地點:週三早上九時至十二時,人社院 C304

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2. 選擇必讀之讀物做課堂報告,並繳交心得或評論(佔30%)
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一、導 論 (一週)

二、漢人社會文化的結構模式 (二週)
1. Ward, Barbara, E. 1965 “Varieties of the Conscious Model,”in Banton Michael ed., The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology, A.S.A. Monograph, Pp. 113-137. London: Tavistock Publications.
2. David Johnson, Andrew J. Nathan and Evelyns Rawski eds. 1985 Popular Culture in Late Imperial China, Pp.3-33. Berkeley: University of California Press.
3.  Constable, Nicole 1994 History and Construction of Hakka Identity, in Chen Chung-min, Chuang Ying-chang & Huang Shu-min eds., Ethnicity in Taiwan: Social, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives. Pp.75-89, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
4. Harell, Stevan 1999 “The Role of the Periphery in Chinese Nationalism”, in Huang, Shu-min & Cheng-kuang Hsu ed., Imagining China: Regional Division and National Unity, Pp.133-160, Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
5. Shepherd, John R. 2003 ”Rethinking Sinicization:Processes of Acculturation and Assimilation” ,刊於蔣斌、何翠萍主編《國家、市場與脈絡化的族群》,頁133-150。台北:中研院民族所。
6. Cohen, Myron 2005 “Being Chinese:The Peripheralization of Traditional Indentity.” In Cohen, Kinship, Contract, Community, and State. Pp.39-59. Stanford:Stanford U. Press.
7. 徐正光主編 2001《漢人與周邊社會研究:王崧興教授重要著作選譯》,頁3-20,21-40,209-299。台北:唐山出版社。

(二) 參考資料:
1. 李亦園、楊國樞編 1971 《中國人的性格》。中研院民族學研究所專刊乙種之四。
2. 李亦園 1993 <從民間文化看文化中國>。台北:台大考古人類學刊 49:7-17。
3. 李亦園 1997 <漢化、土著化或社會演化:從婚姻、居住與婦女看漢族與少數民族之關係>,刊於黃應貴、葉春榮主編《從周邊看漢人的社會與文化》。台北:中研院民族所。
4. 余英時 1984 《從價值系統看中國文化的現代意義》。台北:時報文化出版公司。
5. 金耀基 1992 《中國社會與文化》頁1-64。牛津大學出版社。
6. 陳其南、周英海主編 1994 《文化中國:理念與實踐》pp. 3-66. 台北:允晨。
7. 梁漱溟 1963 《中國文化要義》,pp.27-94。臺北:正中書局。
8.  孫隆基 1983 《中國文化的「深層結構」》。香港:集賢社。
9. 費孝通 1948 〈差序格局〉,刊於《鄉土中國》,頁22-30。上海:觀察社。
10. 楊聯陞 1987 《中國文化中報、保、包之意義》中文大學。
11. Shepherd, John R. 1986 Sinicized Siraya Worship of A-li-tsu. 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊58:1-55。
12. Elvin, Mark 1973 The Pattern of the Chinese Past. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
13. Elvin, Mark, 1994 “The Inner World of 1830”, in Tu Wei-min ed., The Living Tree: The Changing Meaning of Being Chinese Today. PP. 35-63. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
14. Tu Wei-ming 1994 The Living Tree: The Changing Meaning of Being Chinese Today. Pp.1-34;88-108. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
15. Brown, Mel issa 1995 “On Becoming Chinese”, in Melissa Brown ed., Negotiating Ethnicities in China and Taiwan. Pp. 37-76. Berkeley Ca.: U. of California.
16. Lagerwey, John 2000 The Structure and Dynamics of Chinese Rural Society. 刊於徐正光主編《歷史與社會經濟》,第四屆國際客家學研討會論文集,pp. 1-17. 台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
17. 潘英海 1994 〈文化合成與合成文化─頭社村太祖年度祭儀的文化意涵〉,刊於《台灣與福建社會文化研究論文集》,莊英章、潘英海合編,頁235-256。台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
18. 潘英海 1995 〈「在地化」與「地方文化」:以「壺的信仰叢結」為例〉,刊於莊英章、潘英海合編《台灣與福建社會文化研究論文集(二)》,頁299-319。台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
19. Faure, David 2001 State and Ritual in Modern China: Comments on the “civil society” Debate 刊於王秋桂、莊英章、陳中民主編《社會、民族與文化展演研討會論文集》下冊, 頁509-536. 台北:漢學研究中心。
20. 蔣炳釗 1995 〈試論客家的形成及其與畬族的關係〉,刊於莊英章、潘英海合編《台灣與福建社會文化研究論文集(二)》,頁285-298。台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。

三、婚姻 (一週)
1. Wolf, Arthur P. 1989 “The Origins and Explanation of Variation in the Chinese Kinship System,”in Kuang-Chih Chang, Kuang-Chou Li, Arthur P. Wolf and Alexander Yin eds., Anthropological Studies of the Taiwan Area: Accomplishments and Prospects, pp.241-260. Taipei: National Taiwan University.
2. Chuang Ying-chang and Arthur Wolf 1995 “Marriage in Taiwan, 1881-1905: An Example of Regional Diversity.”The Journal of Asian Studies, 54(3):781-795.
3.  Siu, Helen F. 1993 Reconstituting Dowry and Brideprice in South China, in David Deborah and Stevan Harrell (eds.) Chinese Families in the Post-Mao Era. Berkeley:U. of California Press.
4. Watson, Rubies. And Patricia B. Ebrey. 1991 Marriage and Inequality in Chinese Society. Pp. 204-230, Berkeley: U. of California Press.
5. Chen, Chung-min 1985 “Dowry and Inheritance”, in The Chinese Family and Its Ritual Behavior, eds., by Hsieh Jih-Chang and Chuang Ying-Chang. Pp. 117-127. Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
1. Li, Yih-yuan 1968 “Ghost Marriage, Shamanism and Kinship Behavior in Rural Taiwan,”in N. Matsumoto and T. Mabuchi eds., Folk Religion and the Worldview in Southwertern Pacific. Tokyo: Keio Institute of Culture and Linguistic Studies, Keio University.
2. Wolf. Arthur P. 1968 “Adopt a Daughter-in-Law, Marry a Sister, A Chinese Solution to the Problem of the Incest Taboo.”American Anthropologist, 70(5):864-74.
3. Pasternak, Burton 1985 On the Causes and Demographic Consequences of Uxorilocal Marriage in China. In Family and Population in East Asian History. Susan B. Hanley and Arthur P. Wolf eds., Pp.309-336. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
4. Wolf, Arthur P. 1995 Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association--A Chinese Brief for Edward Westermarck, pp.1-40. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
5. Wolf, Arthur P. 1970 “Childhood Association and Sexual Arraction: A Further Test of the Westermarch Hypothesis.”American Anthropologist, 72(3):503-15.
6. Chuang Ying-chang 1991 “Chinese T'ung-yang-hai Marriage: The Ch'en Family of T'ou-fen,Taiwan”Proceedings of the National Council part C: Humanities and Social sciences, 1(2):174-186.
7. Wolf, Arthur P. and Chuang Ying-Chang 1994 “Fertility and Women's Labour: Tow Negative(but Instuctive) Findings.”Population Studies, 48:427-433.
8. 陳中民 1991 〈冥婚、嫁妝及女兒在家庭中的地位〉,刊於喬健主編《中國家庭及其變遷》,頁269-278。香港:香港中文大學。
9. 莊英章、陳其南 1982 〈現階段中國社會結構研究的檢討:台灣研究的一些啟示〉,楊國樞、文崇一編:《社會及行為科學研究的中國化》,pp.281-310。中研院民族所專刊乙種第十號。
10.  陳其南 1987 《台灣的傳統中國社會》。台北:允晨出版公司。

四、家庭 (一週)
1. Cohen, Myron(孔邁隆) 1991 〈中國家庭與現代化:傳統與適應的結合〉,刊於《中國家庭及其變遷》,喬健主編,頁15-22。香港:香港中文大學。
2. Newell, William H. 1985 Structural Conflicts Within the Chinese Family. In The Chinese Family and Its Ritual Behavior, Monograph Series B. No. 15. Hsieh Jih-chang and Chuang Ying-chang eds., Pp. 84-100. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
3.  McKnight, Brian 1998 Law and the Family in Sung China: Inheritance. 刊於中國近世家族與社會學術研討會論文集,中央研究院歷史語言研究所出版品編輯委員會編,頁475-537。台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所。

1.  Baker, Hugh 1979 Chinese Family and Kinship. London: The Macoillan.
2. Cohen, Myron 1976 House United, House Divided: The Chinese Family in Taiwan. New York: Columbia University Press.
3.  Cohen, Myron 1992 Family Management and Family Division in Contemporary Rural China. The China Quarterly, 130.
4.  Cohen, Myron, L. 1999 North China Rural Families: Changes During the Communist Era. Etudes Chinoises, Vol. XVII
5. Wolf, Arthur P. 1985 Chinese Family Size: A Myth Rivitalized. In The Chinese Family and Its Ritual Behavior, Monograph Series B. No. 15. Hsieh Jih-chang and Chuang Ying-chang eds., Pp. 30-49. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
6. Cohen, Myron, L. 1978 “Development Process in the Chinese Domestic Group,”in Freedman, M. ed., Family and Kinship in Chinese Society. Pp. 21-36. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press.
7. Freedman, Maurice 1979 The Study of Chinese Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
8. Lang, Olga 1946 Chinese Family and Society. New Haven: Yale University Press.
9. Parish, W. & Martin Whyte 1978 Village and Family in Contemporary China. Chicago: Chicage University Press.
10. 王崧興 1991 〈中國人的“家”制度與現代化〉,刊於喬健主編《中國家庭及其變遷》,頁9-14。香港:香港中文大學。
11. 王崧興 1986 <漢人的「家」觀念與群體>,刊於中山大學人類學系編《人類學論文選集》,頁293-303, 廣州:中山大學出版社。
12. 林耀華(莊孔韶、林宗成譯) 1990 《金翼—中國家族制度的社會學研究》。香港:三聯書店。
13. 李亦園 1984 〈近代中國家族變遷:一個人類學的探討〉。中央研究院民族學研究所集刊54:7-23。
14. 李亦園 1985 <中國家族與其儀式:若干觀念的檢討>,中研院民族學研究所集刊 59:47-62。
15. 莊英章 1994 《家族與婚姻:台灣北部兩個閩客村落之研究》,台北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
16. 莊孔韶 1996 《銀翅:中國的地方社會與文化變遷》, 台北:桂冠。
17. Ahern, M. E. & Hill Gates 1981 The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press

五、宗族 (一週)
1.  Freedman, Maurice 1958 Lineage organization in Southeastern China. Pp.1-8,114-140. London: The Athlone Press.
2. Faure, David 1999 The Chinese Emperor’s Informal Empire: Religion and the Incorporation of Local Society in the Ming. In Huang, Shu-min & Cheng-Kuang Hsu eds., Imagining China: Regional Division and National Unity. Pp. 21-42. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica.
3. Faure, David 1992 The Written and the Unwritten: The Political Agenda of the Written Genealogy. 刊於近世家族與政治比較歷史論文集(上),中央研究院近代史研究所編。台北:中央研究院近代史研究所。
4. Bernhardt, Kathryn 1992 Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region, 1840-1950. Pp.13-42. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
5.  陳其南 1990 〈房與傳統中國家族制度:兼論西方人類學的中國家族研究〉。刊於《家族與社會》,Pp.129-214。台北:允晨出版公司。

1. Freedman, Maurice 1966 Chinese Lineage and Society: Fukien and Kwangtung. pp.155-184. London: The Athlone Press.
2. Watson, James 1982 “Chinese Kinship Reconsidered: Anthropologicsal Perspective on Historical Research,” China Quarterly, 92:589-627.
3. Faure, David 1986 The Structure of Chinese Rural Society—Lineage and Village in the Eastern New Territories. Hong Kong : Oxford University Press.
4. Gate, Hill 1996 China’s Motor: A Thousand Years of Petty Capitalism. Pp. 84-120, Ithaca & London: Cornell U. Press .
5. 陳奕麟 1984 〈重新思考Lineage Theory 與中國社會〉。漢學研究,2(2):403-446。
6. 瀨川昌久 (錢杭譯) 1999 《族譜:華南漢族的宗族、風水、移居》,上海:上海書店出版社。

六、宗教信仰 (三週)
1. Freedman, Maurice 1974 “On the Sociological Studies of Chinese Religion,”in Arthur Wolf ed., Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society. pp.19-41. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
2. 李亦園 1983 〈社會變遷與宗教皈依:一個象徵人類學理論模型的建立〉,中研院民族所集刊 56:1-28。
3. Feuchtwang, Stephan 1992 The Imperial Metaphor--Popular Religion in China, pp.126-149. London and New York: Routledge.
4. Watson, James, L. 1985 “Standardizing the Gods: The Promotion of Tien-Hou Alone the South China Coast, 960-1960,”in David Johnson Andrew J. Nathan, and Evelyn S. Rawski eds., Popular Culture in Late Imperial China. Berkeley: University of California Press.
5. Sangren, P. Steven, 1987 History and Magical Power in a Chinese Community, PP. 49-126. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
6. Sangren, Stephan 2000 Power and Transcendence in the Mazu Pilgrimages of Taiwan, in Chater 5, Chinese Sociologics. Pp 96-117. London and New Brunswick, NJ: The Athlone Press.
7. Sangren, Steven 2003 American Anthropology and the Study of Mazu Worship. 刊於媽祖信仰的發展與變遷:媽祖信仰與現代社會國際研討會論文集,林美容、張珣、蔡相煇編,頁7-24。台北:臺灣宗教學會。
8. Bosco, Joseph(林舟) 2003 天后宮之重建與活力。刊於媽祖信仰的發展與變遷:媽祖信仰與現代社會國際研討會論文集,林美容、張珣、蔡相煇編,頁95-116。台北:臺灣宗教學會。
9. Wolf, Arthur. 1974 “Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors,”in Wolf ed., Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society, pp.131-182. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press.
10. Watson, Rubie S. 1988 “Remembering the Dead: Graves and Politics in Southeastern China,”in Watson, J. & Rowski, E.S. eds., Death Ritual in Late Imperal and Modern China. pp.203-227. Berkeley:University of California Press.
11. Li, Yih-yuan 1976 Chinese Geomancy and Ancestor Worship: A Further Discussion in Ancestors. W. Newell, ed., The Hague: Mouton.

1. 余光弘 1988 《媽宮的寺廟:馬公市鎮發展與民間宗教變遷之研究》。中研院民族所專刊乙種第19號。
2. 黃紹倫編 1990 《中國教倫理與現代化》,頁111-171。香港:商務書館。
3. 韋伯(簡惠美譯) 1985 《中國的宗教》,台北:遠流。
4. 李亦園 1987 〈和諧與均衡:民間信仰中的宇宙詮釋與心靈慰藉模式〉,現代人心靈研討會論文。
5. Weller, Robert P. 1994 Resistance, Chao and Control in China. Pp. 113-186. London: The Macmillan Press. LTD.
6. Wolf, Arthur P. ed., 1974 Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society. 105-130, 193-206. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
7. Bosco, Joseph and Puay-Peng Ho 1999 Temples of the Empress of Heaven. Hong Kong: Oxford U. Press.
8. Dean, Kenneth 2001 China’s Second Government: Regional Ritual Systems in South China. 刊於王秋桂等編《社會、民族與文化展演研討會論文集》, pp. 77-110. 台北:漢學研究中心。

七、地域組織與祭祀圈 (一週)
1. Skinner, William 1964 “Marketing and Social Structure in Rural China. Part I.”Journal of Asian Studies 24(1):3-43;24(2):195-228.
2. Crissman, Lawrance W. 1972 “Marketing on the Changhua Plain, Taiwan,”in Willmott, W. E. ed., Economic Organization in Chinese Society. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
3. Dean, Kenneth 2003”Lineage and Territorial Cults:Transformation and Interactions in the Irrigated Putian Plains,刊於林美容主編《信仰、儀式與社會》,頁87-130。台北:中研院民族所。

1. 陳其南 1991 〈社會分類意識與土著化〉,收於《台灣的傳統中國社會》,頁91-126。台北:允晨出版社。
2. 胡台麗 1979 〈南屯的字姓戲:字姓組織存續變遷之研究〉。中研院民族所集刊48:55-78。
3. Little, Daniel 1989 “Regional Systems in Traditional China,”in Understanding Peasant China, pp. 68-144. New Haven: Yale University Press.
4. 王銘銘 1997 <市場與社會結構理論批判>,刊於《社會人類學與中國研究》,北京:三聯書店。
5. 施振民 1975 〈祭祀圈與社會組織─彰化平原聚落發展模式之探討〉。中研院民族所集刊,36:191-208。
6. 張 珣 2002 〈祭祀圈研究的反省與後祭祀圈時代的來臨〉。台大考古人類學刊58:78-111。

八、民法與社會階層 (一週)
1. Allee, Mark 1994 Code, Culture, and Custom: foundations of Civil Case Verdicts in a Nineteenth-Century County Court. In Civil Law in Qin and Republican China. Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip C. C. Huang eds., Pp.13-41. 台北:南天書局。
2. Huang, Philip C. C. 1996 Civil Justice in China: Representation and Practice in the Qing. (Chapter3 “ Informal Justice: Mediation in North China Villages Before the Communist Revolution” Pp. 51-75)Stanford: Stanford University Press.
3. Duara, Prasenjit, 1990 Elites and the Structure of Authority in the Villages of North China, 1900-1949, in Esherick, Joseph W. and Mary Backus Rankin (eds.), Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance. Pp.261-281, Berkeley: U. of California Press.
4. 李懷印 2003〈中國鄉村治理之傳統形式:河北省獲鹿縣之實例〉,刊於黃宗智主編《中國鄉村研究》(第一輯),頁64-111。北京:商務印書館。

1. 余英時 1980 《中國知識階層史論》。台北:聯經出版社。
2. 傅衣凌 1979 〈明清時代階級關係的新探索〉,中國史研究,第四期。
3. 李明堃、李江濤編 1993 《中國社會分層:改革的巨變》。香港:商務書館。
4. 蕭公權 1983 紛爭調解:帝制時代中國社會的和解。刊於蕭公權先生全集(9),頁91-152。台北:聯經出版事業公司。
5. 喬 健 1998 〈樂戶在中國傳統社會中的地位與角色〉。漢學研究16(2):267-283。
6. Marsh, R. 1961 The Mandarins: Circulation of Elites in China 1600-1900.
7. Chang, C. L. 1965 The Chinese Gentry, pp.3-70. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
8. Ch’u, T’ung-tsu 1962 Local Government in China Under the Ch’ing. Pp. 168-190. Cambridge: Harvard U. Press.
9. Watson, Rubie S. 1990 Corporate Property and Local Leadership in the Pearl River Delta, 1898-1941, in Esherick, Joseph W. and Mary Backus Rankin (eds.), Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance. Pp.239-260, Berkeley: U. of California Press.
10. Scogin, Hugh 1994 Civil “law” in Traditional China: History and Theory. In Civil Law in Qin and Republican China. Kathryn Bernhardt and Philip C. C. Huang eds., Pp.13-41. 台北:南天書局。

九、婦女與性別 (一週)
1. Wolf, Margery 1974 Chinese Women: Old Skills in a New Context. In Woman, Culture, and Society. Michelle Eimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere eds., Pp. 157-172. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
2. Wolf, Margery 1972 Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan. Pp. 32-41. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
3. Jaschok, Maria and Suzanne Miers eds., 1994 Women & Chinese Patriarchy. PP.25-42. Hong Kong: Song Kong U. Press.
4. Gao, Xiaoxian 1994 China’s Modernization and Changes in the Social Status of Rural Women. In Engendering China: Women, culture, and the State. Christina Gilmartin Pp. 80-97. Cambridge: Harvard U. Press.
5. 蕭鳳霞 1996 婦女何在?--抗婚和華南地域文化的再思考, 中國社會科學季刊第十四期。

1.  Topley, Marjozie 1983 Marriage Resistance in Rural Kwangtung. In Wolf, M. and Roxane Witke eds., Women in Chinese Society. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
2.  Stockard, Janice E. 1989 Daughters of the Canton Delta. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
3.  Jacka, Tamara 1977 Women’s Work in Rural China—Change and Continuity in an Era of Reform. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press.

十、關係與交換網絡 (一週)
1. Yan, Yunxiang 1996 The Flower of Gifts: Reciprocity and Social Networks in a China Village. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
2. Yang, Mayfair Mei-hui, 1994, Gifts, Favors & Banquets: The Art of Social Relationships in China. Pp.146-172. Ithaca: Cornell U. Press.
3. 魏捷茲 1996 <澎湖群島的村廟「公司」與人觀>,刊於莊英章、潘英海編《台灣與福建社會文化研究論文集》,頁221-242。台北:中央研究院。

十一、農村社會經濟 (一週)
1. Cohen, Myron 2005 Commodity Creation in Late Imperial China, in M. Cohen, Kinship, Contract, Community, and State. Pp.223-251. Stanford:Stanford U. Press.
2. Huang, Philip C.C. 1985 The Peasant Economy and Social Change in North China. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.
3. Potter, Sulamith H. and Jack M. Potter 1990 China’s Peasants: The Anthropology of a Revolution. (Chapter16, Pp.313-326) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1. 黃宗智 1994 〈華北近數百年的小農經濟與社會變遷〉刊載於《中國研究的規範認識危機》,頁39-52。香港:牛津大學出版社。
2. 章英華 1993 〈清末民初華北農村的村落組織和村際關係〉,中研院民族所集刊,72:25-61。
3. 費孝通 1987 《江村經濟:中國農民的生活》,香港:中華書局。
4. 費孝通、張之毅 1990 《雲南三村》(重刊), 天津人民出版社。
5. Zhou, Kate Xiao 1996 How the Farmers Changed China. Pp. 106-136, Boulder: Westview Press.

1. 劉澤華、張榮明等著 2003《公私觀念與中國社會》,頁218-243,266-278。北京:中國人民大學出版社。
2. 黃宗智主編 2003《中國研究的範式問題討論》專輯二:中國的”公共領域”與”市民社會”?頁137-285。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。

十三、當代中國社會的發展 (一週)
1. 黃樹民(素蘭譯) 1994 《林村的故事》。台北:張老師出版社。
2. Chan, Anita, Richard Madsen & Jonathan Unger 1984(1992), Chen Village Under Mao and Deng, Berkeley: U. of California Press.
3. Jun Jing 1996 The Temple of Memories: History, Power, and Morality in A Chinese Village. Stanford: Stanford U. Press.

1. 黃枝連 1992 《中國走向二十一世紀》,香港:三聯。
2. Fei Hsiao-tung 1989 Rural Development in China. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press.
3. 楊君實 1987 《現代化與中國共產主義》,香港:香港中文大學。
4. 華爾德 (Andrew G. Walder) 1996 《共產黨社會的新傳統主義》,香港:牛津大學出版社。
5. Oi, Jean C. 1991. State and Peasant in Contemporary China: The Political Economy of Village Government, pp.1-12, 155-182, 227-235. Berkeley: U. of California Press.

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