
Chung-Juan Christian University
Graduate School of Religion
Seminar on Major Problems in Theology

Professor: Dr. Samuel Chiow First Semester: 2006

I. Course Description:

Everyone is a theologian. This course addresses the question of what it means to be a good theologian in the contemporary setting. Christian leaders need to approach ministry theologically, i.e., they need to reflect on how they fulfill their calling in the light of the teaching of the Bible, the history of Christian tradition, and the specific opportunities and challenges presented by contemporary culture. This course provides an introduction to the discipline of theology and a consideration of the sources and methods employed in doing theology and formulating responsible convictions in the context of contemporary culture. The course includes the nature and task of theology, the significance of theology for Christian faith, the sources for theology, theological method, and the relationship between theology and culture and between belief and practice.

II. Course Goals:

This course is designed to help you understand and appreciate the nature, task, and purpose of theology; to deepen your confidence in the truthfulness and authority of the Bible; to expand your understanding and appreciation of the role of tradition in the life of the church; to develop your ability to think theologically; and to heighten awareness of the basic shape of the Christian faith through a focus on the biblical storyline and the doctrine of the Trinity. Special application to counseling issues will also be surfaced, discussed and interacted with.

III. Course Objectives:

At the completion of this course, the successful student will demonstrate understanding, appreciation, mastery, and application of the course objectives. The student will be able to:

1. Articulate and demonstrate the value and significance of theology.

2. Think and reason well, specifically in regard to formulation of theological conclusions and in regard to biblical interpretation and application.

3. Develop and articulate a sound methodology for Christian theologizing and formulation of convictions that is biblically normed historically informed and contextually engaged.

4. Articulate the basic biblical and theological dimensions of the doctrine of the Trinity and explain its significance for Christian faith and life.

5. Identify significant themes in contemporary theologies, both within and outside of evangelicalism.

6. Demonstrate the ability to formulate effective strategies for ministering within our contemporary cultural context with depth and relevance.

7. Identify areas of growth and opportunities for further development in Christian personal and spiritual formation through the material studied in the course.

IV. Course Texts:

艾利克森(Millard J. Erickson)著/郭俊豪,李清義譯,基督教神學. 台北市:
中華福音神學院: 2000-2002

根頓(Colin E. Gunton)主編.石彩燕譯. 劍橋基督教教義手冊 香港:天道書樓:2006

奧爾森(Roger E. Olson),霍爾(Christopher A. Hall)著/蔡錦圖譯,

V. Supplemental Texts:

恩斯特・卡西勒(Ernst Cassirer)著/甘陽譯. 人論:人類文化哲學導引. 台北巿:

艾伯林(Gerhard Ebeling)著/李秋零譯. 神學研究:一種百科全書式的定位

大衛.福特(David Ford)著/李四龍譯. 神學.香港:牛津大學:2000

考夫曼(Gordon D. Kaufman)著/黃勇譯. 面向奧妙:構造論神學 香港: 道風書社:2004

麥葛福(Alister E. McGrath)著/劉良淑、王瑞琦譯,基督教神學手冊. 台北市:

莫爾特曼(Jurgen Moltmann)著/曾念粵譯, 神學思想的經驗:基督教神學
的進路與形式. 台北市:道風書社:2004

海因利希・奧特(Heinrich Ott)著/朱雁冰譯. 上帝. 香港:社會理論 出版社印行:1990

潘能伯格(Pannenberg, Wlofhart)著/李秋零,田薇譯 人是甚麼.香港:

史蒂文生(Leslie Stevenson)著/江先聲主編/袁榮生譯. 人性七論 台北市:

田立克(Tillich, Paul) 著/鄭華志譯, 系統神學 臺南巿: 東南亞神學

漢語基督教文化研究所編, 現代語境中的三一論. 香港: 漢語基督教

托倫斯(Thomas Forsyth Torrance)著/阮煒譯. 神學的科學.香港:漢語基督教

V. Course Requirements:

A. Participation, which includes class discussion and attentiveness as well as active interaction with, assigned readings.

B. Careful reading of the assigned texts. (Please submit a reading report on the last day of the semester.)

C. Critical Interaction and Presentation. Pick one chapter of Gunton’s edited book, read it, digest it and present it in class. Also lead a discussion in the class.

D. Major paper: The paper deals with some contemporary issue respecting the doctrine of God and man. The paper is to be 10-15 papers in length and is due on the last day of the semester. The paper should confirm to the proper style required by regular term paper, with footnotes and bibliography. Your teacher should approve the topic of the paper.

VI. Course Grading:

A. Participation: 10%
B. Reading: 20%
C. Critical interaction and presentation--30%
D. Major paper--40%

VII. Course Outline:

A. Introduction to Theology

B. Theology in the Postmodern Situation

C. The Doctrine of God

1. The Triune God
2.The Creator God
3. The Nature of the Relational God

D. The Doctrine of Man

1. The nature of man
2. The image of God
3. Sin and fall

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    Anthropologist Theologian

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