
科號Course Number:09120ANTH700200 學分Credit:2 人數限制Size of Limit:
中文名稱Course Title:書報討論:基督宗教人類學
英文名稱Course English Title:Anthropological Studies of Christianity
上課時間Time: 上課教室Room:
一、課程說明(Course Description)
基督宗教人類學研究專題 (Anthropological Studies of Christianity)
2003 Spring

Institute of Anthropology
Instructor: 顧坤惠 (
Tel: 03-574-2827
Fax: 03-572-2800
Office: c622 人社院

This course explores local manifestations of Christianity in various parts of the world. Particular emphasis is given to the political role of various Churches and the relation between Christian derived forms and popular movements. The historical role Christianity in constructing local definitions of religion and culture is examined in Medieval Europe and in the context of colonial mission. It will also examine some of the ways in which the spread of Christianity, in company with capitalism, has influenced 'non-western' societies and the subsequent changes in their conceptualization of the world and engagement with it. In much the same way, we will consider how those previously non-Christian societies have transformed Christian doctrines and practices, shaping their own reading of Christian beliefs. At the heart of the course then is the interaction between power and knowledge, the modern and the traditional, colonialism and resistance, material forces and cultural forms. Theoretical issues relating to concepts of syncretism and conversion are reconsidered with reference to specific ethnographic and historical contexts.

Active student participation is required and will consist of preparation, class discussion, and oral presentation of readings and project research. These three components will make up 40% of the final grade. The remaining 60 % will consist of written assignments in the form of short (1-2 pages) diary/critiques handed in for each class (30%), and a final research paper (30%).

二、指定用書(Text Books)

Comaroff, J. and J. Comaroff. 1991/1997. Of revelation and revolution: Christianity, colonialism, and consciousness in South Africa (Vol.1 & 2).
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Stewart, C. 1994. Demons and the devil: moral imagination in modern Greek culture. Princeton: Princeton Uni. Press
van der Veer, Peter 1996 Conversion to Modernities: The Globalization of Christianity. London: Routledge.
Meyer, Birgit 1999 Translating the Devil: Religion and Modernity among the Ewe in Ghana.Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.


Asad, T. 1993. Genealogies of Religion: Discipline and reasons of power in Christianity and Islam. John Hopkins University Press.
Cannell, F. 1999. Power and Intimacy in the Christian Philippines.CUP.
Badone, E. (ed.) 1990 Religious Orthodoxy and Popular Faith in European Society. Princeton University Press.
James, W and D. Johnson. 1988. Vernacular Christianity. JASO: Oxford
Harding, S. 2000 The Book of Jerry Falwell: Fundamentalist language and politics. Princeton UP.
Lawrence, P 1986 (1964) Road Belong Cargo: A Study of the cargo movement in the southern Madang District, New Guinea. Illinois: Waveland.
Gernet, J 1986 China and the Christian Impact. CUP


Active student participation is required and will consist of preparation, class discussion, and oral presentation of readings and project research. These three components will make up 40% of the final grade. The remaining 60 % will consist of written assignments in the form of short (1-2 pages) diary/critiques handed in for each class (30%), and a final research paper (30%).

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    Anthropologist Theologian

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